Presentation of Employment Pact Tyrol OECD LEED Forum Innsbruck, September 28th 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of Employment Pact Tyrol OECD LEED Forum Innsbruck, September 28th 2009


History 1997Foundation of TEP Tiroler Oberland/Außerfern first TEP in Austria 1999Foundation of „Pakt für Arbeit und Wirtschaft“ as Tyrolean TEP resolved by the Tyrolean Federal State Government 2004Restructuring of Tyrolean economy- and policy on labour market funding and establishment of Tiroler ArbeitsmarktförderungsgesmbH (amg-tirol) 2005Foundation of „Beschäftigungspakt Tirol“ and restructuring of TEP activities; signing of agreement of cooperation until Dec. 31 st, 2010 take over of TEP-coordination through amg-tirol

History 2006Start of strategic implementation and operative activities of the Tyrolean Employment Pact 2007Start of new ESF-structural funds period; planning of strategies, measures and activities for 2007 – 2011 as well as application for funding in ESF focal point Completion of ESF focal point 3b overall strategy and action planning as well as application for funding, 1st round of application and beginning of measure implementation

Structure BMASK + ESF steering group funding for support- and network structures, studies, evaluation and public relations Decides on strategic and operational direction of Beschäftigungspakt Tyrol Alternating presidency: Provincial Government of Tyrol, Public Employment Service, Federal Social Welfare Office coordination amg-tirol Project management, contents planning and implementation of measures and activities, External representation of pact contents support team Preparation of contents and control of measures and activities Provincial Government Billing of subsidies – interconnected organisation

Activities within ESF-framework

Activities Focal Point 5

Focal point 5 – objectives of TEP Tyrol connecting partners of Tyrolean labour market and employment policies analysis of regional problems and preparing new labour market policy initiatives support of employees in changing economic- and labour market structures prevent and combat unemployment, safeguarding and creating jobs in the region encourage equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market establishing of a regional platform for an improved knowledge transfer coordination budget: 57 Million Euro

Focal point 5 – Results integration of all partners into the employment pact Tyrol development of joint views on problems and solutions of partners joint use of synergies within the partners and their programmes planning of study „Tyrolean Labour Market Policy 2010“ with all institutions involved effect analysis for socio-economical businesses/non profit occupational projects coordination „training- und career counselling offers“ and concept development of „Career Guidance Tyrol“

Focal point 5 – Results Completion of conception „Laufbahnberatung Tirol“ (career guidance) realised by the Zukunftszentrum Tirol in the framework ESF focal point 4 (lifelong learning) Measures to combat the shortage of skilled workers were planned on the basis of the study „Training and Further Training Priorities for the Labour market of Tyrol “ Evaluation results on „Out-“ and „Implacement Foundation“ were incorporated into the new foundation model „Labour Foundation of Tyrol“ Preparation, coordination, development of strategy and start of measures implementation in the framework ESF focal point 3b

Focal point 5 – Challenges and plans strategies, activities and plans to cope with the effects of the economic crisis realisation of „Labour Foundation for Tyrol“ and new designs for foundations nationwide Adjustment, validation and extension of ESF Focal point 3b measures, preparations for the second round of project applications are underway

Activities Focal point 3b

Focal point 3b – initial situation 2007/08 considerable rise in youth unemployment (45 % rise since 2000) about 20 % of the unemployed are under 19 years about 2/3 of participants in job projects for juveniles are male especially female youths with a migration background have difficulties in the transition from school to work there are no measures offered for the special needs of young females concept for integration of the federal government: one of the most urgent measures, integration of female migrants into the labour market

Focal point 3b – objectives closing of gaps in the measures offered boost in the number of female youngsters in labour market job projects offers for and reaching of the target group „marginalised young females “ support of disadvantaged female youths (with a migration background) entering vocational training or the labour market research of living- and working situation of young people with a migration background in Tyrol; with recommended action for labour market activities implementation of a European „best-practice“

Focal point 3b – measures foundation of the first school of production (Danish model) in Tyrol for girls between 15 and 19 years of age with special consideration of female youngsters with a migration background study “Living- and Working situation of the young with a migration background in Tyrol” as a basis for adjustment and deepening of labour market relevant offers for the above mentioned target group coordination activities on transition from school to work

Focal point 3b – objevctives continuation of overall strategy because of increase of juvenile unemployment due to the „economic crisis“ adaptation as regards contents, modification and widening the offers of school of production established 2008 regional expansion of offers through establishing a school of production in Wörgl in spring 2010 increase of coordination activities regarding the transition from school to work

Thank you very much for your attention!