The main question: What food groups are important for a healthy body?
In this presentation you will learn about being a healthy eater. Please come with me as I teach you how you can make healthy choices!
Did you know that foods can be broken into groups? We call these groups the food groups. Follow me and discover what foods belong in each group.
Bread, Cereals, Rice and Pasta When you eat food from this group, it gives your body energy to work and play.
Vegetables This group has a lot of vitamins and minerals. Your body needs plenty of these to stay healthy. Vitamins and minerals help your body fight sickness.
Fruit and Berries This group has a lot of vitamins and minerals too.
Milk Products This group gives your body an important mineral called calcium. Your bones and teeth need calcium to stay healthy.
Meat, Beans and Eggs These foods have protein. Protein helps your body grow. Protein keeps your body working well.
Now let’s see if you can pick out which food belongs in each group. I will show you names of foods, and you need to pick which one does not belong in the group.
Let’s start with the Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group. Which one of these foods does not belong in this group? Whole wheat bread Brown rice Spaghetti Broccoli
Now you can try the Vegetables. Which food does not belong in this group? Mashed potatoes Cauliflower Chocolate cake Corn
Try the Fruit and Berries. Which food does not belong ? Banana Strawberries Turkey Pineapple
Next, try the Milk Products. Which food does not belong ? Mozzarella cheese French fries Chocolate milk Frozen yogurt
Now for our last group! Remember the Meat and Beans Group. Which one of these foods does not belong ? FFried chicken PPork PPotato chips SSausages
Fantastic! You did a great job. You are now a healthy eater. Remember to eat foods from all food groups to help your body grow big and strong.
The general principles of healthy food can be presented in the form of a PYRAMID.
IIt’s important to eat well balanced meals. FFood Pyramid is a general guide of what to eat each day because people must eat a variety of foods to stay healthy. TThe balanced and healthy Food Pyramid was reworked from basic food groups, consisting of meat, dairy products, grains, fruit and vegetables. NNo one food group is more important than another, so a person needs them all for good health.
Healthy Eating with MyPyramid
My Pyramid Based on science Based on Dietary Guidelines Focuses on food
Important Components Activity Moderation Personalization Proportionality Variety Gradual Improvement
Message: Variety Color bands represent that all food groups are needed each day for health
Food Groups are Color Coded
Message: Proportionality Differing widths of the color bands suggest about how much food should be eaten from each group
Message: Moderation Food group bands narrow from bottom to top suggesting to eat nutrient-dense forms of foods
Message: Physical Activity Steps and person on them symbolize that physical activity should be a part of everyday healthy living
Additional Messages in the MyPyramid Graphic Personalization: TThe name “MyPyramid” suggests an individual approach TThe person climbing the steps mentally links each viewer to the image Gradual Improvement: TThe slogan “Steps to a Healthier You” suggests that improvement should happen in stages, over time
Grains The foods in this group give your body energy. Eat 3-6 ounces of whole grain bread, cereal, rice, crackers or pasta daily
Vegetables You need 3-5 servings. Eat more dark green vegetables Eat more orange vegetables Eat more dry beans and peas
Fruit YYou need 2-4 servings a day. EEat a variety of fruit CChoose fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruit GGo easy on fruit juices
Milk You need 2-3 servings a day. Go low-fat or fat-free If you don’t or can’t consume milk, choose lactose-free products or other calcium sources
Meat and Beans You need 2-3 servings a day. Choose low-fat or lean meats and poultry Bake it, broil it, or grill it Vary your choices--with more fish, beans, nuts and seeds
“OTHERS” OOils, Fats, and Sweets TThis section doesn’t make up a food group. YYou shouldn’t use “Others” too much. Your body only needs a small amount of fat. SSugary foods usually don’t have many vitamins and have too much fat and calories in them.
Physical Activity Find your balance between food and physical activity –Be physically active for at least 30 minutes most days of the week –Children and teenagers should be physically active for 60 minutes every day, or most days
So we know how many servings we need from each food group. What’s a serving size?
Here’s an example of a serving size from each group: GGrains: 1 slice of bread VVegetables : 1/2 cups of cooked vegetables FFruits: 3/4 cup of juice MMilk: 1 cup of milk MMeat, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts: 1 egg RRemember to limit your servings of Fats, Oils and Sweets
Now, how do we make all of these recommendations fit?
Remember the Basics MMix up your choices within each food group FFocus on fruits VVary your veggies GGet your calcium-rich foods GGo lean with protein EEat very little food containing fat, oil and sugar.
Be Healthier!