Alexandra Kuo Annie Hung Block B
FIBRE filling, discourages overeating, adds no calories may protect against gut cancers and constipation help prevent diabetes and heart disease has 5 grams or more per serving found in all plants not digested by the body found in : -whole grain breads -cereals -fruits -nuts
holds tissues together manufacture of other materials children’s needs depend on their energy intake 2 types : -soluble, lowers blood cholesterol -insoluble, helps digestive system run smoothly minimize potential side effects such as : -bloating -cramps -diarrhea FIBRE
VITAMINS required nutrient in tiny amounts helps immune system stay healthy won’t cure-all unhealthy diets vitamin A helps eyesight great for night vision helps you see in colour too rich in vitamin A : -milk –fruits –carrots –sweet potato -green leafy veggies
vitamin B makes energy, releases when needed makes red blood cells carries oxygen rich in vitamin B : -grains –seafood –poultry –milk –yogurt –veggies vitamin C keeps tissues in good shape heal injuries quickly rich in vitamin C : -citrus fruits –oranges –cantaloupes –strawberries –kiwis –broccoli –cabbage –sweet red peppers VITAMINS
MINERALS pure elements, simple salts to very complex help body grow, develop, stay healthy build strong bones, transmit nerve pulses maintain normal heartbeat human diet directly from plants present in your drinking water rich in minerals -oranges -strawberries –blackberries -water -peaches -grapes -brocoli -carrots -spinach
too little calcium can lead to weaker bones zinc helps your immune system potassium keeps muscles, nervous system working properly iron transport oxygen lungs rest of body found in water, soil, root plants, animals provide structure forming bones and teeth can’t be made in body must our in diet MINERALS
CARBOHYDRATES stores and transports energy foods that give energy are : either starches or sugars broken down into simple sugars sugars absorbed into the bloodstream sugar level rises, pancreas releases hormone, insulin needed to move sugar from blood to cells sugar used as a source of energy
CARBOHYDRATES 2 kinds : (simple) sugars + grains easily broken down causes blood sugar level to rise quickly found in : -white bread -white rice (complex) broken down, blood sugar rise gradually found in : -brown bread -brown rice include : -fruits -vegetables -low-fat dairy
FAT insulates body stores energy maintains body temperature trans fats raises blood levels two types of adipose tissue exist: white + brown found in: meat: sausages -steak -ham -wieners
FAT types saturated »animal fats converted by liver into cholesterol mono unsaturated »trans fat poly unsaturated »animal source is limited to fish »raises blood cholesterol hydrogenated »unsaturated fat+ hydrogen= saturated fat
PROTEIN builds cardiac muscle makes part of red blood cells that carries oxygen two types complete –has all 9 main amino acids »found in meat and milk incomplete »found in most vegetables: broccoli- carrots -tomatoes -peas
PROTEIN sources of protein are : -meat -fish -egg -dairy products kids require 0.5 g of protein for pound they weigh muscles, organs + immunes system made of protein broken protein into basic units = amino acids quickly digested many different amino acids in protein 22 are important to human health.
WATER removes dangerous toxins cushion your joints carries oxygen and nutrients into cells cushions your joints keeps your metabolism working regulates body temperature transports nutrients and waste
WATER 2 thirds of body lack of water causes blood pressure to fall blood clots to form normal kidney function is impaired reoccurring headaches dry skin 6 to 8 glasses of water a day Too much water can cause water intoxication seizures death