Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Emportant HRMS Attendance Management
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Emportant HRMS: Time and Attendance Administration Time and Attendance Management Multiple shift timings, Overtime rules Interface with attendance recording and access control machine Multiple holiday calendar for each location (state / country / etc) Tracking of late coming/early going Tracking of authorized and un-authorized leaves Advance scheduling Workflow based authorization of exceptions On-line attendance logging An option and integration with external attendance logging systems combined with Calendar, travel & leave systems ensures a meaningful & easy generation of month end payroll data Multiple Attendance options : Online attendance logging through web portal Integration with your existing swipe card attendance logging systems Upload of swipe data file
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Attendance Administration tool, You can define the attendance policy with this configuration tool
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Shift Master: you can define multiple shifts and set the rules for late time / early go limit as well as OT allowance
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Shift Master: you can define multiple shifts and set the rules for late time / early go limit as well as OT allowance
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Roster Definition: you can define the shift roster (cyclic/non-cyclic) based upon function/ designation/department of employee
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Roster Definition: you can define the shift roster (cyclic/non-cyclic) based upon function/ designation/department of employee. Here you can see Functional Role for particular department
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Attendance sheet upload, you can upload attendance sheet (with In time & out time) on daily/ weekly/ monthly basis Upload data can be mapped as per your file format of your attendance h/w or from your attendance sheet
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Attendance: HR access to manage the attendance
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Holiday Working: you can schedule employees to work on Holiday based on their department / location / employee specific
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Swipe card issue: you can record the swipe card details as well as all the add new swipe card details. Card Id refers to the card number or Fingerprint Id.
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Swipe card issue: you can record the swipe card details as well as all the add new swipe card details like, cards number, card issue from date and expiry date
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd In-Out Details: HR can have a report to see the in-out details of ay employee, he/she will get details summary of all the employees attendance data
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Mass Timing Regularization: HR can regularize the attendance data for any employee based upon the request / reason for attendance regularization, you can define your own reason for attendance regularization like, Hardware failure, Bus late, etc…
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Attendance File Upload: you can upload the Attendance data in terms of present or absent, so that at the same time you can record all the leave taken and attendance data
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Attendance Role: System has capability to define attendance role specially for attendance management, many organization has their Time keepers so we can give this specific access to time keeper
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd In the attendance role user will get all the configuration access to administer attendance data
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Manual Swipe Entry: Admin can add the manual swipe entry of any employee if required, in case of any swipe card issue and employee fails to swipe his time details, admin can mark his attendance
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Delete swipe details: if the attendance data is uploaded mistakenly, admin has a rights to undo/reverse the data
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Temporary shift change: if the roster is defined and employee wants to change his/her shift due to any sudden reason, admin can change the shift temporary
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Roster Attachment: You can attach shift rosters to employees
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd You can create multiple shifts rosters for different types of employees and you can attach these rosters to department / employees
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd
Self Attendance 1.Employee can mark his attendance through his web portal, & all the in-out time will be recorded at real time basis 2.You can restrict the access for the attendance marking to specific IP address range
Emportant Technologies Pvt Ltd Employees can view their attendance records, with facility to select a period