History of DANONE 1919, Barcelona, Spain, Isaac Carasso, · Named after his son Daniel. · Manufacturing Yogurt 1929, Daniel Carasso launched Danone in Paris and business was good. 1941, entrusted Danone France to Norbert Lafont and Danone Spain to Luis Portabella · Founded Dannon US 1945,rebuilding French and Spanish businesses. · Lost interest in the US market; · Back to BSN Gervais Danone in , fusion with Gervais, · Gervais-Danone company. 1972, Daniel Carasso and Antoine Riboud. · Merged their two companies. · Making Danone into a world brand
What do We Have? Fresh Dairy Product --- Yogurt Water Baby Nutrition
Google Trend Both Dannone and Diet Industry was a Hot topic in people’s life But it is not and will not be the one any longer Dannone & Diet Industry
Yogurt Yogurt seems to be paid more and more attention Google Trend GlobalUnited Kingdom
5 Internal StrengthsInternal Weaknesses Greek yogurt segment Value market shares increased by 31.1% Competition in dairy market is fierce Ext. Opportunities and risks Greek yogurt become popular in US&West Europe demand for low-fat products yoghurt drinks and chilled desserts will increase their sector share by 0.4 percentage points over the next 5 years to 24.9% of the total milk and dairy products market External Threats consumption levels are in decline own-label yogurt Framework a dopted from: Ansoff (1957), Kotler et al. (2009); Porter (1985), Weihrich (1982) cited in West et al. (2005: 88) Differentiation Strategy Market Penetration Strategy Product development strategy Develop the technology and process of producing Greek yogurt Make innovations on Greek segment Cost Leadership Strategy ‘
Product development strategy THE MOST EFFECTIVE STRATEGY ! Greek Yogurt In western Europe and the US, Greek yogurt has become increasingly popular because it is richer in texture than unstrained yogurt, and higher in protein. Greek yogurt is a type of yogurt that is celebrated for its very thick and creamy texture.
Segmenting, Targeting & Positioning - Segmenting
Target Classification -Female C2 -Full time -Two -Married & Living as married -No Children & & C1 -Part time -Female C2 -Full time -Two -Married & Living as married -No Children & & C1 -Part time SEX AGE SOCIAL GRADE WORKING STATUTES SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD MARTIAL STATUS PRESENCE OF CHILDREN - Female C2 - Full time - Two - Married - No Children - Female & & 45-54C2 - Full time & Part time - Two - Married - No Children & & C1 - Part time
- Objective - Keep Growth in Greek Yogurt segment by 10% per yr - Annual growth rate 5% - Increase Profit per Employee - More Advertising
Lighter options continue to be introduced as consumers are increasingly concerned about their health. DANONE LTD Corporate Strategy Danone Ltd was originally established as a branch of Danone Belgium, but became an independent company in It is one of four subsidiaries in the UK, ultimately forming part of the French corporation, Groupe Danone. The company is responsible for the distribution of Danone’s yoghurt products in the UK. These are Actimel, Activia, Shape, Delight and Oykos. The other three businesses in the UK are Danone Waters UK and Ireland, which distributes Evian, Volvic and Badoit waters; Danone Baby Nutrition, which supplies Cow & Gate and Aptamil products for infants; and Nutricia Medical, which specialises in nutrition used as part of disease treatments. Groupe Danone operates over 120 countries throughout the world. In 2007, Danone sold its biscuit operations to Kraft to focus on its dairy and water brands. In June 2012, Groupe Danone was forced to issue a profit warning. The company has struggled to cope with the economic crisis in Europe and an unanticipated rise in the cost of raw materials. According to an article by The Grocer on 19th June 2012, Danone plans to cope with the situation by launching a programme of price cuts in markets in countries in southern Europe, such as Spain. It hopes that this will make its products more competitive and boost profit. In July, Danone jumped on the growing breakfast yoghurt trend with the launch of three granola-topped single-serve yoghurts under its Activia brand. The products are available in Vanilla, Peach and Hint of Honey flavours. The granola is available in a separate ‘top hat’ lid. In January 2013, the company launched two special edition flavours: Activia Pear joined its Core range, while Activia Pineapple was added to the Single Pot series. Reference Keynote --- Diet Food, Milk and Dairy Food Annual Report 13Q3
- Targeting SEX AGE SOCIAL GRADE WORKING STATUTES SIZE OF HOUSEHOLD MARTIAL STATUS PRESENCE OF CHILDREN -Female C2 -Full time -Two -Married & Living as married -No Children & & C1 -Part time