Water Framework Directive Programme of Measures River Basin Management Plans Milan Matuška Ministry of the Environment Slovak Republic Water Protection.


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Presentation transcript:

Water Framework Directive Programme of Measures River Basin Management Plans Milan Matuška Ministry of the Environment Slovak Republic Water Protection Department

2 Programme of Measures River Basin Management Plans Legal Foundation Identification of Programme of Measures River Basin Management Plans Basis for development of Programme of Measures & River Basin Management Plans Co-ordination process national/international Issues on the implementation related to water legislation

3 Legal Foundation Final text of WFD Preamble Article 4 Environmental objectives (Annex II, Annex V) Article 11 - Programme of Measures (Annex VI ) Article 11 - Programme of Measures (Annex VI )

4 Legal Foundation Article 13 - River basin Management Plans (Annex VII) Article 14 - Public information and consultation

5 Identification of Programme of Measures Programme of Measures tool for Achievement of environmental objectives Gaps between present status and environmental objectives “Basic” measures ­ States obligations “Supplementary” measures “Supplementary” measures Measures implementation

6 Basic measures COMBINED APPROACH for point and diffuse sources the emission controls based on Best Available Techniques; or the relevant emission limit values; or in the case of diffuse impacts the controls including, as appropriate, Best Environmental Practice

7 Basic measures Where a quality objective or quality standard requires stricter conditions then more stringent emission controls shall be set accordingly

8 Member States Establishment of Environmental quality standards for all surface waters a ffected by discharges containing matters included in the first list of priority substances Controls on the principal sources of such discharges, based inter alia on consideration of all technical reduction options

9 Member States WATERS ABSTRACTED for DRINKING WATER Identify, within each river basin district All water bodies (present/intended) – water abstraction for human consumption – over 10m³/day as an average or serving more than fifty persons, Monitor those water bodies providing more than 100m 3 /day as an average

10 Member States Shall ensure the necessary protection for the water bodies so identified To avoid deterioration of their quality in order to reduce the level of purification treatment required in the production of drinking water May establish safeguard zones for those water bodies

11 Member States Water use Measures to promote an efficient and sustainable water use – to avoid compromising the achievement of the environmental objectives Controls over the abstraction of fresh surface water and groundwater Requirement of prior authorisation for abstraction and impoundment

12 Member States Controls, including a requirement for prior authorisation of Artificial recharge or augmentation of groundwater bodies Injection, re-injection Pollution point/diffuse sources

13 Member States Controls to ensure Hydromorphological conditions of the water bodies meet good ecological potential at least for artificial or heavily modified water bodies Any measures to prevent significant losses of pollutants and/or to reduce the impact of accidental pollution incidents (for example as a result of floods)

14 Supplementary Measures Design and implement in addition to the basic measures if necessary of Environmental objectives achievement Part B Annex VI contains a non-exclusive list of such measures

15 Supplementary Measures Where monitoring or other data indicate Environmental objectives are unlikely to be achieved Causes of the possible failure are investigated Relevant permits and authorisations are examined and reviewed as appropriate

16 Measures Implementation Programmes of measures shall be established at the latest nine years after the date of entry into force of this directive And all the measures shall be made operational at the latest twelve years after that date

17 Measures Implementation Programmes of measures shall be reviewed, and if necessary updated at the latest 15 years after the date of entry into force of this directive And every six years thereafter Any new or revised measures established under an updated programme shall be made operational within three years of their establishment

18 Measures Implementation Achieve environmental objectives at the latest 15 years after the date of entry into force of this Directive In implementing measures member states shall take all appropriate steps not to increase pollution of marine waters

19 River Basin Management Plans CompositionImplementation Member States Actions

20 Composition of RBMPs characteristics pressures - surface water, groundwater protected areas - identification, mapping monitoring networks, programmes - maps environmental objectives - list, associated info economic analysis of water use - summary

21 Composition of RBMPs detailed programmes and management plans - register programme of measures - summary public information and consultation measures - their results and the changes to the plan made as consequence public information and consultation measures - their results and the changes to the plan made as consequence competent authorities - list contact points - procedure for obtaining info

22 RBMPs Implementation Shall be published 9 years after WFD entry into force Shall be reviewed and updated 15 years after … And 6 years thereafter

23 Member States Actions For RBD lying entirely within their territory International RBD – ensure coordination Single RBMP - lying entirely within Community Not possible coordination – RBMP falling within their territory

24 Member States Actions RBD extending beyond EU boundaries Endeavour for a single of the whole RBD If impossible – for portion of international RBD lying within territory RBMP may be supplemented by more detailed programmes and RBMPs – sub- basins

25 Member States Actions Encourage active involvement of all stakeholders (incl. public) Production, review, updating RBMPs Make available for comments Timetable for RBMPs production Interim overview of the significant water management issues identified - at least two years before the beginning of the period to which the plans refers Draft copies – one year before ….

26 Member States Actions Access to background documents – on request Six months available for comments Same procedure – updating RBMPs

27 Basis for development of PoMs & RBMPs Different conditions in the states Three different groups of the states: States of the “first wave” States of member states The “second wave” Characteristics of the river basin district Review of the environmental impact of human activity And economic analysis of water use

28 Basis for development of PoMs & RBMPs Environmental objectives – harmonized – intercalibration Measures – Annex VI (Part A) – significant difference Annex VIAnnex VI ­ Applied by Member States already ­ Different status in the States in accession process Ÿ In comparison with Member States Ÿ Between first and second wave

29 Co-ordination Process National/International National All stakeholders All sectors – water management, industry, agriculture…. State administration, local/regional governments, professional institutes, NGOs, public InternationalBilaterally Transboundary Commissions Competent Authorities – bilateral specific agreements

30 Co-ordination Process National/International Multilaterally under umbrella of International Commissions of large river basins (Danube, Rhine, Elbe….) Sub-basins The whole River Basin District Technical issues Mapping – GIS based on EU system(?) International – single map for entire River Basin District National – compatible with international (?)

31 Legal Aspects of PoMs & RBMPs Implementation Transposition first phasefirst phase – WDs in force before October 2000 first phase second phasesecond phase – transposition of WFD second phase Iteration process ­ No experience with implementation ­ Most of consequences cannot be foreseen ­ In some cases not clear requirements of WFD before end of 2003 (Common Strategy, EU Working Groups)

32 Legal Aspects of PoMs & RBMPs Implementation Implementation Institutional Framework National ­ Steering Committee ­ Competent Authority ­ Working Groups ­ Connection with EU Working Groups (Common Strategy)

33 EnforcementNational National Competent Authority, Environmental Inspectorates, Environmental Authorities, Local/Regional Governments International International Competent Authority, European Commission (DG XI) – reporting, International Court (EU Member States) Legal Aspects of PoMs & RBMPs Implementation