A core Course on Modeling Introduction to Modeling 0LAB0 0LBB0 0LCB0 0LDB0 S.4
2 continuous / discrete
3 deterministic / stochastic
4,_ black box / glass box
commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Vekomaboomerang.jpg static / dynamic
7 calculating / reasoning
9 geometric / non-geometric
10 a x b + a x c = a x (b + c) = ? a x b + a x c = a x (b + c) = ? 3 x x 6 = 3 x (5 + 6) = 33 3 x x 6 = 3 x (5 + 6) = 33 numerical / symbolical
11 a x b + a x c = a x (b + c) = ? a x b + a x c = a x (b + c) = ? 3 x x 6 = 3 x (5 + 6) = 33 3 x x 6 = 3 x (5 + 6) = 33 numerical / symbolical
19th century brain model, Boerhaave Museum 20th century brain model (Wang & Chiew, UofCalgary, 2010) material / immaterial
Geometric approach: assume the ship moves parallel to the beach line plot the lines of sight on a map pick the one closest to perpendicular to the beach
Glass box (use ‘causal’ mechanism) : magnify the photograph that shows the largest image of the ship read the name of the ship look up the route information ( look up the route information ( /) / find the time of passage closest to you
Black box (use data) reasoning : compare the sizes of the ships in each photograph time of closest passage occurs somewhere between the two largest images
photograph x: time photograph taken y: size of the image of the ship in the photograph Black box (use data) calculating numerically : measure the sizes of the ships in each photograph plot in a graph against time calculate average between two largest values bad idea if the the two closest pictures are not very similar
photograph x: time photograph taken y: size of the image of the ship in the photograph
Summary of modeling dimensions: Continuous – Discrete Continuous – Discrete Deterministic – Stochastic Deterministic – Stochastic Black box – Glass box Black box – Glass box Static – Dynamic Static – Dynamic Calculating – Reasoning Calculating – Reasoning Geometric – Non-geometric Geometric – Non-geometric Numerical – Symbolic Numerical – Symbolic Material – Immaterial Material – Immaterial
20 dynamical systems data modeling process modeling modling from scratch Co Di Det Sto Bb Gb St Dy Cal Rea Geo Ng Nu Sy M Im Co Di Det Sto Bb Gb St Dy Cal Rea Geo Ng Nu Sy M Im Co Di Det Sto GbBb St Dy CalRea GeoNg NuSy M Im Co Di Det Sto Bb Gb St Dy Cal Rea Geo Ng Nu Sy M Im Summary of modeling dimensions: Continuous – Discrete Continuous – Discrete Deterministic – Stochastic Deterministic – Stochastic Black box – Glass box Black box – Glass box Static – Dynamic Static – Dynamic Calculating – Reasoning Calculating – Reasoning Geometric – Non-geometric Geometric – Non-geometric Numerical – Symbolic Numerical – Symbolic Material – Immaterial Material – Immaterial