12/09/ Introduction to the Research Programmes of the Academy of Finland Sirpa Nuotio Programme Manager
12/09/ Funding decisions in , by target
12/09/ Research programmes A research programme is focused on a defined subject area or set of problems, financed for a fixed period (4 years) and has a coordinated management A research programme generates added value, in comparison to project-based separate funding Strategic importance: goal-oriented impact on society (social, cultural, economic, political) exploitation of research results national and international cooperation multidisciplinarity, - several research councils Challenges: coherent programme entity, resources and ambition in balance Current plan: to start 1-3 new research programmes/per year
12/09/ Action and budget plan, councils Action and budget plan, Board Preparation in councils Programme group: programme memo, negotiations Call Evaluation up to several years Funding decisions about one year Programme projects Final evaluation 4 years 6-8 months Proposals from researchers Research programme process
12/09/ General science policy objectives To develop research environments To coordinate scattered research capacities To promote multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity and where possible transdisciplinarity To develop national and international cooperation between researchers, funding bodies and end-users of research results To promote researcher training and professional careers in research Programme specific objectives
12/09/ A platform for national and international cooperation National funding cooperation: dialogue enhances the competitiveness of the Finnish research system efficient exploitation of research results International cooperation: The Academy shall take steps towards the wider international networking of national programmes jointly funded international programmes the opening up of programme elements or whole programmes to the international research community Aims: create opportunities for finnish researchers for high-quality international collaboration: e.g. researcher mobility and training, joint seminars, joint projects increase the visibility and attractiveness of finnish research promote participation of finnish researchers in activities of international programmes and networks
12/09/ SOME EARLIER RESEARCH PROGRAMMES: Health and Other Welfare Differences between Population Groups TERO ( ) Evaluation report 2001 Impact evaluation 2006 Health Promotion Research Programme TERVE ( ) Evaluation report 2005
12/09/ Ongoing programme: Health Services Research TERTTU ( ) Objectives Develop research environment and postgraduate training Promote national and international cooperation among researchers Produce research results that help to develop health services Research themes Supply and need of health services Changes of the health services system Issues pertaining to personnel Costs, impacts and effectiveness of health care Volume 25 research projects Academy of Finland, 6 M€ Other funding agencies: Social Insurance Institution, Finnish Association of Local and Regional Authorities, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finnish National Fund for Research and Development, Finnish Work Environment Fund, Hospital Districts Total budget 7.4 M€ More information:
12/09/ Objectives Promote high-quality multi- and interdisciplinary research in neuroscience Establish more effective networking and new collaboration between researchers in Canada, China and Finland Enhance the application of advanced technologies in neuroscience Stimulate mobility of researchers between the countries Promote researcher training, special scope for young scientists Accelerate the exchange of new scientific knowledge among scientists and between scientists and other interest groups Research themes Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Nervous System Development, Plasticity and Repair Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience Diseases of the Nervous System Neuroinformatics and Neurotechnology Ethical, Philosophical and Socio-Cultural Questions Related to Neuroscience Volume 25 projects (18 are national, 5 Finnish-Chinese and 3 Finnish-Canadian collaborative projects) Academy of Finland, 7.2 M€ National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 0.35 M€ Institute of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), Canada, 0.13 M€ More information: Ongoing programme: Neuroscience NEURO ( )
12/09/ Ongoing programme: Nutrition, Food and Health ELVIRA ( ) Objectives Create new knowledge aiming at significant societal and economical impacts, in addition to scientific impacts Establish new collaborative networks across disciplinary boundaries Reinforce cooperation and knowledge transfer between scientific community, enterprises and public authorities Promote mobility of researchers Support the balanced structure of research groups (post docs) Meet the information needs of society on a healthy, safe and balanced diet Research themes Consumer behaviour, lifespan and health Nutrition, genetic factors and metabolism Food, immunity, intestinal microbes and health Food-related risks and food safety Food processing and health Volume 15 funded projects Academy of Finland, 7 M€ Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation Tekes Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry More information:
12/09/ Ongoing programme: Substance Use and Addictions ( ) Objectives support high-level multidisciplinary research on substance abuse and addictions strengthen national and international research cooperation and networking promote multi- and interdisciplinary research promote the application of new research methods in the field promote the international mobility of researchers support researcher training improve communications and dissemination of information on research results among researchers and between researchers, end-users and other interest groups Research themes Macro changes in the alcohol policy and consumption, and socio-economic differences in drinking habits, and harms Drug use and harms and drug policy Research into treatments and recovery processes Research into addiction behaviour and addiction mechanisms Volume Academy of Finland, 5.5 M€ Canadian Institutes of Health Research CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) Russian Foundation of Basic Research More Information:
12/09/ Preliminary timetable Negotiation mandate from the Board (Re)assignment of the Preparatory Group Programme Manager appointed Define goals, themes Negotiations with other funding agencies Action plans of Research Councils Preparation of the call Final decision of the Research Programme by the Board of the Academy Publication of the call for applications Call deadline(s) Funding decisions Received Soon Ongoing 2007 June 2007 October – November December 1 (January 2008) During 2008
12/09/ Exploratory workshop Open and broad-based preparation of development plans Aim: to discuss the present status of research, future directions, needs and challenges Results: Input for the preparation of the research programme, especially for the programme-specific objectives: Impacts - What kind of? How could be achieved? Exploitation of research results - Who? How? How to improve? International collaboration - Which countries? Benefit? New ideas Networking