Colin Brader Integrated Transport Planning Ltd Cambridge Futures 23rd November 2001
CRTS Ltd. StagecoachRTI Cambridge Rapid Transit Limited AIM To upgrade the public transport network Providing a viable alternative to the private car
“If you travel much by public transport in Britain these days you soon come to feel like a member of some unwanted sub class, like the handicapped or unemployed, and that everyone wishes you would just go away” Bill Bryson, Notes From a Small Island – The Public Transport Challenge
How Is Modal Choice Made? Is modal choice made at all? Cost minimisation criteria? TAS (UK) low cost sensitivity Increasing affluence = altered decision making One mode of public transport cannot satisfy all market segments, all trip types and all trip patterns Target Market - The Marginal Car User
Defining Rapid Transit High Quality Vehicle - Intermediate Transit Maximising segregation and/or priority Information at stops, in home and remote locations Ticketing options - smartcard An integral part of urban design/land use planning Intermediate Transit - Between the Bus and the Tram
CRTS Line One South 70% Segregated Protected in Cambridge Local Plan Serving the new park and ride Linking Addenbrooke’s, Railway station and City Centre Establishing the principles
CRTS - Key Facts CRTSSupercam Length 7.5 Km25 Km Cost £15-20m£55-60m Patronage (per day) ,000 Planning Dec 2000Part of TWA Consultation Summer 2001Early 2002 Transport & Works Early 2002Spring 2002 Open for passengers
Funding Options Part funded through fares and franchisesPart funded through fares and franchises Equity partnership from contractors and manufacturersEquity partnership from contractors and manufacturers Additional funding from proposed developments along routeAdditional funding from proposed developments along route Minimise any reliance on public fundingMinimise any reliance on public funding
CRTS - A network wide system Reacting to Structure Plan Allocations Supporting Local Transport Plan Objectives Pursuit through partnership Working alongside an enhanced bus network Project Manager: Graham Rayner