divergence given a vector field, the divergence operation tells if there is a source or sink useful for relating electric fields to charges vector field ==> scalar
x x o xx ss ss two surfaces s surround the point x o vector field enters from left and leaves from right evaluate integrals at the 2 surfaces Taylor series about the center point x o
x x o xx ss ss
Cartesian coordinates
Gauss’s law or divergence theorem convert from volume integral to surface integral
0 1 x
curl or rot place paddle wheel in a river no rotation at the center rotation at the edges
The start of Katrina
Hurricane from a satellite.
the vector u n is out of the screen right hand rule s is surface enclosed within loop closed line integral
four lines x and y surround the point x o, y o vector field follows closed loop evaluate integrals Taylor series about the center point
Cartesian coordinates
right hand rule Flow velocity vorticity Magnetic field current
repeated vector operations curl (grad a) = 0 divcurl A = 0 div (grad a) = Laplacian (a)
Phasors v = V cos ( t + ø) v = Re [V e j t ] where V = V e jø
y d y a y b y c