Scalars and Vectors Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vectors are quantities that are fully described.


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Presentation transcript:

Scalars and Vectors Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction.

A Vector is Physical quantity that has two one characteristics: Magnitude : the meaning of magnitude is quantity‘ Magnitude Direction: the meaning of direction is quite self-explanatory. It simply means that the vector is directed from one place to another.

Vector Quantity Displacement Force Acceleration Scalar Quantity Length Mass Speed

Graphically Panel 1 a vector is represented by an arrow, defining the direction, and the length of the arrow defines the vector's magnitude. This is shown in Panel 1.. If we denote one end of the arrow by the origin O and the tip of the arrow by Q. Then the vector may be represented algebraically by OQ. OQ = -QO. The magnitude of a vector is denoted by absolute value signs around the vector symbol: magnitude of Q = |Q|.

Cartesian coordinate system in the plane, twoperpendicularplaneperpendicular lines are chosen and the coordinates of a point are taken to be the signed distances to the lines.

In three dimensions, three perpendicular planes are chosen and the three coordinates of a point are the signed distances to each of the planes

The polar coordinates x = r cos Ɵ And y = r sin Ɵ (1.3) tan θ= y/x

Problem 1 What is the magnitude and direction of the vector on the left? The direction of the vector is 55° North of East, and the vector's magnitude is 2.3.magnitudedirection

Vectors and Ordered Pairs In the picture below, the vector has a magnitude of 60 and its direction is 73° above the positive x axis.

Practice Example 1: Express the vectors coordinates below as ordered pairs in simplest radical form. Answer y coordinate = 2 ×sin(30°) = 1 x coordinate = 2 ×cos(30°) =

Example 2 Express the vectors coordinates below as ordered pairs in simplest radical form. Answer

Properties of Vectors 1-Two vectors, A and B are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction, regardless of whether they have the same initial points 2-A vector having the same magnitude as A but in the opposite direction to A is denoted by –A.

vector addition sum of two vectors, A and B, is a vector C, which is obtained by placing the initial point of B on the final point of A, and then drawing a line from the initial point of A to the final point of B,

Vector subtraction is defined in the following way. The difference of two vectors, A - B, is a vector C that is, C = A - B or C = A + (-B).Thus vector subtraction can be represented as a vector addition. Commutative Law for Addition: A + B = B + A Associative Law for Addition: A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C

Commutative Law for Multiplication: mA = Am Associative Law for Multiplication: (m + n)A = mA + nA, where m and n are two different scalars. Distributive Law: m(A + B) = mA + mB These laws allow the manipulation of vector quantities in much the same way as ordinary algebraic equations.

The unit vector Vectors can be related to the basic coordinate systems which we use by the introduction of what we call "unit vectors." A unit vector is one which has a magnitude of 1 and is often indicated by putting a hat (or circumflex) on top of the vector symbol, for example.

The multiplication of two vectors, First, the scalar or dot product of two vectors The scalar product of two vectors, A and B denoted by A·B, is defined as the product of the magnitudes of the vectors times the cosine of the angle between them,. Note that the result of a dot product is a scalar, not a vector. The rules for scalar products are given in the following list,.

The vector product

Matrix notation The definition of the cross product can also be represented by the determinant of a formal matrix:determinant matrix Using cofactor expansion along the first row instead, it expands to [5] [5] which gives the components of the resulting vector directly.