Welcome to Presentation of
Seagull-Sales : Standard & Premium
One Month Free Trial You can try Seagull-Sales one month for free, to check its suitability. For this, you need to create your account through this form. Your Username and Password will be sent to your address
Sign In – Entrance to Users There are two sections of Seagull-Sales – (a) Admin, and (b) Employee. Both will use this Login page for entry. After creating Account, Admin will login and will create usernames & passwords for their employees. Admin for overall control & Management of the Account, and Employees to use this software for their work There are two sections of Seagull-Sales – (a) Admin, and (b) Employee. Both will use this Login page for entry. After creating Account, Admin will login and will create usernames & passwords for their employees. Admin for overall control & Management of the Account, and Employees to use this software for their work
First Page after Admin Sign in This is the first page after sign in as Admin. This is for “Premium” Version of the Seagull-Sales module, as indicated at top left. To the left side it shows all control buttons of Admin. Orange colour strip shows which tab/button you are in, presently. You can define your Business Areas, Regions and Sub-regions (and sub-sub-regions, if available) – separately for Domestic markets and International Markets. All your further records and reports will be classified based on these areas. This is the first page after sign in as Admin. This is for “Premium” Version of the Seagull-Sales module, as indicated at top left. To the left side it shows all control buttons of Admin. Orange colour strip shows which tab/button you are in, presently. You can define your Business Areas, Regions and Sub-regions (and sub-sub-regions, if available) – separately for Domestic markets and International Markets. All your further records and reports will be classified based on these areas.
Quick view of function buttons Area Master to create areas/regions with sub-regions Classification Master to define customers’ business activities Visit Purpose Master to define various objectives for a customer visit Product Master to add all products with their model names Employee Master to list all User Employees (sales force) Customer Master to list all customers with their address details Person Master to add various persons of each customer Event Master to add various important events of customers (like birthday) Holiday Master to list company Holidays for the year Targets Master to show all targets of various regions Expenses Master to define rules and systems for expenses Enquiry/Quotation Master to list all enquiries and quotations Debtors Master to show all customers with outstanding payments Show Tour Plans will display tour/visit Plans by employees Show Reports will show reports of employees (tour/visit reports) Senders List to define employees who will send s to customers Communications for sending standard pre-set s Send Quick Messages for short messages within the organisation Upload Documents for keeping important documents here Attendance Register to see attendance of employees See Further slides for more details
Customers Classification You can define your customer types and customer activities separately, here. For example, your customers can be Actual Users, Distributors/Agents, Consultants, Manufacturers, etc. And these customers will have various types of activities (like in case of Manufacturers, it may be Motor Manufacturers, Pump Manufacturers, Switchboards Manufacturers etc. An Actual Users can have activities like Water Supply Department, Textile Industry, Sugar Factory, Coal Mine, etc.
Visit Purpose & Events List To send compliments and best wishes on occasions like birthday, marriage anniversary, factory anniversary, etc. These can be created as master and then added to respective company person. A message can go to him on that day. To facilitate quick reporting by field sales employee, we can add normal variants of various visit objectives. For example, in case of enquiry, it can be, enquiry generation, enquiry finalisation etc..
Product Master You can create your product master with Group Name, Product family name and Model Name, with brief description and price. This information will be useful in future records and reports
Employee Master You can create a record of all employees including field sales persons, their managers at branch and office people who will check their reports. You can assign rights to them like A or VA or E, can give them username password and define their reporting levels.
Customer Master You can create your customer Master either by uploading excel file (as per given format) of addresses or add manually one by one. For Excel file upload, please ensure correct fields sequence and compulsory fields. During manual entry, you do not have to add person’s names here. There is a separate block for it.(see next slide) You can create your customer Master either by uploading excel file (as per given format) of addresses or add manually one by one. For Excel file upload, please ensure correct fields sequence and compulsory fields. During manual entry, you do not have to add person’s names here. There is a separate block for it.(see next slide)
Person Master You can add persons here for each customer, which you have entered manually.; There can be more than one person for a customer. You can also add Events for a person here.
Targets & Order Booking You can View Targets for each employee, area, products here. Employees submitting targets for approval will be available here. You can also see Order Booking of various products, by different employees and for different selected periods. You can View Targets for each employee, area, products here. Employees submitting targets for approval will be available here. You can also see Order Booking of various products, by different employees and for different selected periods.
Holidays and Leaves You can declare holidays of your company for the year here – either full day, half day, or multiple days. These will appear on calendar for employees.
Rules for Travelling Expenses You can define your travel expenses rules here with Expenses heads, Employees grades, Areas & their cities Expenses Limits to Heads, and also advance given to employees (Normally expense allowances are based on employee grades & areas) You can define your travel expenses rules here with Expenses heads, Employees grades, Areas & their cities Expenses Limits to Heads, and also advance given to employees (Normally expense allowances are based on employee grades & areas)
Enquiries & Quotations You can upload your Enquiries and Quotations here either through an Excel file or manually, one by one. If there is any enquiry for a new product or a new customer (if those are not in the Masters), you can add those here. These will be available to regional sales employees for further working
Outstanding Payments List Pending Debtors list can be uploaded here with details like customer name, place, invoice date and amount. These will be available to field sales employees for further actions.
Tour/Visit Plans & Reports Field Sales Employees shall submit their tour/visit plans which can be seen here. As also, reports of their visits can be seen. Customer-wise developments can also be seen here. Similarly a list can be seen of those customers that are not visited even once.
Communications – s & Messages Employees can send standard pre-set s to customers. Also they can exchange quick messages within the organisation – with office as well as with other colleagues
Other Features (1) You can upload frequently required documents like catalogues, certificates which are useful for field sales team (2) You can get a monthly attendance report of sales persons based on their reporting. (3) You can set a new password here for security of your account. (1) You can upload frequently required documents like catalogues, certificates which are useful for field sales team (2) You can get a monthly attendance report of sales persons based on their reporting. (3) You can set a new password here for security of your account
Employee/Sales Person login Page Employee can log in with his username and password, either from desktop or laptop or from his android mobile phone. He will see the above screen with most commonly required options. Employee can log in with his username and password, either from desktop or laptop or from his android mobile phone. He will see the above screen with most commonly required options.
Visit/Tour Planning Employee’s work starts with his visit planning. He can submit date-wise visit plans (can select more than one customer per day and then go to next date). If a particular day is a holiday or leave, he can indicate accordingly. He can also indicate estimated expenses of this tour plan and then submit it for approval by his seniors
Submit Visit Reports Employee will submit his reports here. His date of report is auto-selected from previous report date and names of customers are displayed from tour plan. When he selects a customer, his details are displayed in the form. He can add new customer if it was not in plan. He can also add a customer here if he is not in customer master.
Customer Master Employee will also have access to customers of his region. He can add any new customers or edit records of existing customers
Employee Home Page Employee homepage will have more tabs which are seldom required and hence are not with mobile- compatible pages. Here on top right, he can see ‘Contacts’, any ‘New Messages’ and date.
Visit Plans for Review/Reference Employee can view his weekly tour/visit plans – of current week and previous weeks
Employee Visit Reports & Leave Employee can also submit his leave request online (and can receive approval online). Employee can view his tour/visit reports of selected period.
Communications – s & Messages Employees can send standard pre-set s to customers. Also they can exchange quick messages within the organisation – with office as well as with other colleagues
Targets & Order Booking Performance Employee can see his targets as well as order booking with various options/filters.
Defining Order Booking Targets Employee can submit his targets here. He will take help of two helps – first to download the table of targets in Excel file and then copy into it the ‘Products List’ from another table. He can view targets once uploaded
Debtors Master, Reference Documents Employee can view list of outstanding payments here which is uploaded from his head office. Employee can also use the documents like catalogues, literature, certificates etc. from here, for his use.
Summary Masters Area Master Classification Master Visits Purpose Master Products Master Employee Master Customer Master Customers Person Master Events Master Holiday Master Expenses Master Enquiry/Quotations Debtors Master Senders Master Reports Targets & Booking Tour Plans Visits/Calls Reports Attendance Reports Enquiries Status Reports Orders Reports Expenses Reports Non-Visits Unattended Customers Communications s Quick Messages Others Upload DocumentsChange Password