Phenotypes at the Saccharomyces Genome Database
van Attikum H, et al., (2004) Cell 119(6): Sample S. cerevisiae phenotypes Martinez J, et al., (2006) MCB 26(24): Wild-typeacm1 Grushcow JM, et al., (1999) Genetics 153(2):
van Attikum H, et al., (2004) Cell 119(6): Gene: INO80 Experiment type: classical genetics Mutant Type: null Qualifier: decreased Observable: resistance to chemicals Chemical: methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) S. cerevisiae phenotype annotation
Current Status Feature Type Experiment Type Unique loci with annotations Total number of annotations ORF (5784) Classical genetics Competitive growth Systematic null mutation set RNA (418)Classical genetics5660 Others (731) Classical genetics931 Systematic null mutation set1213