Special SCEE Webinar Districts and States Work to Develop and Support an Effective Principal Pipeline 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Special SCEE Webinar Districts and States Work to Develop and Support an Effective Principal Pipeline 1

Moderator  Mary Canole  Consultant on Education Leadership CCSSO Education Workforce Initiative 2

Webinar Logistics  Valerie Nyberg will be producing  Everyone is muted  Use the chat function to make a comment or ask a question  You may chat privately with individuals on your team  If you have problems, you may send Naz Rajput a message via the chat function or an at 3

Poll 4

Poll : Who is in the audience today? 1.CCSSO: SEA leaders 2.NCSL: Legislators and Legislative Staff 3.NGA: Governors' Education Policy Advisors 4.Local District Leaders 5.Other 6.No Answer 5

Poll : What region are you from? 1.Northeast 2.Southeast 3.Midwest 4.Northwest 5.Southwest 6.No answer 6

Today’s Webinar is hosted by: 7

Purpose  To learn how laws and regulations can influence and support the development of strong leadership development systems. 8

Objectives:  Learn about the Wallace Foundation’s Principal Pipeline Initiative.  Discuss the findings from the Wallace Foundation’s new report: “Districts Matter: Cultivating the Principals Urban Schools Need”.  Hear from districts participating in the Wallace Principal Pipeline Initiative about some of their key efforts in implementing components of the pipeline specifically in support of the leadership needs of high needs schools. 9

Objectives:  Consider various state approaches that support district efforts to strengthen school leadership. 10

Discussant Carl-Anthony Watson  Program Officer for Education Leadership Initiative 11

Discussant  Rashidah L. Morgan  Executive Director, Talent Management Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 12

Discussant  John R. Youngquist  Director of Principal Talent Management Denver Public Schools 13

Discussant  Cortney Rowland Senior Policy Analyst National Governors Association 14

Discussant 15  Sara Shelton  Program Principal National Conference of State Legislatures

Principal Pipeline Initiative Theory of Action When an urban district and its principal training programs provide large numbers of talented, aspiring principals with the right pre-service training and on-the-job evaluation and support…. ….the result will be a pipeline of principals able to improve teaching quality and student achievement district-wide. 16

The Principal Pipeline ●High quality ●Aligned 17 Leadership standards High- quality aspiring leader training programs Evaluation and on- the-job support Selective hiring District-wide scale In support of district reform agenda


StandardsKey leverage pointsProduce… Resulting in… A Shared Vision of Leadership: Grounded in leadership standards & aligned to a job description that prioritizes the job of the principal as focused on improving teaching & learning Pipeline Development: Identifying & cultivating talent A strong pool of teacher leaders inclined to become principals & skilled in using data to inform decisions & leading other adults Large numbers of high- performing schools led by better trained & better supported leaders that can improve teaching & learning at scale Pre-Service Preparation: Recruitment, selection, quality of training, certification & accreditation A strong pool of leaders ready to assume the principalship by virtue of knowledge, skills, dispositions, experience, & training Selection, School Match, & Induction: Selective hiring, placement & initial support Principals that are both qualified & certified placed where they are needed most & accelerated development of new leaders through mentoring & other supports Evaluation & Management: Quality of the tool & evaluators & link to PD & consequences (+/-) Identification of strengths & weaknesses of principals relative to performance standards In-Service Support: H igh-quality professional development tailored to individual’s needs Continuous improvement of leader performance designed to address needs identified in evaluation & school Working Conditions: Systems that enable better trained leaders to improve teaching & learning Alignment of accountability, incentives & leaders’ authority over people, money & time & empower them to act on their training & experience to achieve results R. Laine modified from Educational Leadership Policy Standards – ISLLC 2008 Principal Pipeline Leverage Points: Building a System of Effective Principals at Scale 19

State Policy Levers: Building an Effective Principal Pipeline Imp Principal Preparation Programs Principal Licensure & Certification Data Systems and Data Use States set accreditation standards and program approval criteria  Illinois S.B. 226 (2010)  Washington S.B (2010) States set licensure and certification requirements  Illinois S.B. 226 (2010)  Washington S.B (2010) States set framework to collect and monitor data  Colorado H.B (2009) & S.B. 36 (2010)  Illinois S.B (2009)  Washington S.B (2010) 20

Thanks  Thanks to the Wallace Foundation for their research and support of principal effectiveness 21

Questions and Answers  Send questions to Mary Canole  Please designate whom your question should be directed to 22

Upcoming Webinars  Monthly SCEE Webinars in 2013  2 nd Tuesday of every month 2-3 pm ET, live chat from 3-3:30 pm ET  Next webinar is May 14, 2013, on Implementation Science 23

Please complete the webinar evaluation. You will receive a link to the form via shortly after the webinar concludes. Thank you 24