Regional Consultation on Every Newborn Action Plan 30 th August –1 st September Kathmandu, Nepal
Regional Consultation Workshop on Every Newborn Action Plan Overall aim of the consultation To deliberate on country specific and regional bottlenecks and solutions for newborn health and survival in Asia and provide concrete inputs to the Every Newborn Action Plan. Share country analyses of programme implementation, bottlenecks and solutions Compile regional inputs for the Every Newborn Action Plan based on country- specific analyses of bottlenecks Review the Every Newborn draft document and consolidate regional feedback and recommendations. Review proposed global maternal and newborn targets and to discuss regional targets. Launch the Regional Technical Advisory Group on Maternal and Newborn Health for South Asia (Regional TAG for MNH)
Including HOST “Nepal”99 Delegates representing Ministries of Health, Planning commissions, Research institutions & Universities and civil society organizations Partners including UNICEF, USAID, WHO, Save the Children, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAPPS, PMNCH,, and World Vision Regional Consultation Workshop on Every Newborn Action Plan Afghanistan9Pakistan8 Bangladesh12Sri Lanka4 China5Nepal21 India10Thailand4 Indonesia8 BMGF -1GAPPS - 1 PMNCH - 1 Save the Children – 3 UNICEF EAPRO – 1UNICEF HQ - 2 UNICEF ROSA - 2 USAID - 3 WHO - 2 World Vision - 2