Agenda Welcome Welcome Why Is St. Lorenz Lutheran School Different Why Is St. Lorenz Lutheran School Different “ 1 ive To 1 earn” Initiative “ 1 ive To 1 earn” Initiative Progression of Technology Integration Progression of Technology Integration Video Video Objectives of the Program Objectives of the Program Cost of Program Cost of Program Timeline for Implementation Timeline for Implementation Parent Survey and Open Forums Parent Survey and Open Forums
Progression of Technology Integration Late 1980’s Apple lle’sLearning Center 1994Alpha SmartsMobile Lab GatewaysFaculty 1996IBMStudent Lab DellStudent Lab SunraysStudent Lab Parents receive web access to grades Computers for AR Learning Ctr.
Progression of Technology Integration 2000Internet FilterSchool-wide 4 eMacsKindergarten Microsoft OfficeSchool-wide HP Computers Replace Student Lab Intel Teach the FutureTeacher Training MacsVideo Editing Rm Wireless NetworkJr. Hi. Wing 24 Dell LaptopsMobile Lab 2004PowerSchool web-based grading system
Progression of Technology Integration HP LaptopsMobile Lab Interactive SmartBoards Classrooms Ceiling ProjectorsClassrooms Document CamerasGr 1-4 Classrooms 2008Managed Wireless Network school-wide Technology Integration Training Faculty 82 laptops3 Mobile Labs Lanschool Comp Monitoring System HP LaptopsMiddle School Tch 2009SmartBoard TrainingFaculty
Progression of Technology Integration HP ComputersReplaced AR Lab 7 SmartBoards Remaining Classrooms 56 Students Responders Classrooms Sets 2010Google DocsTeacher Training Apple Exec Center MacBook Presentation Holland Christian “One To One” School Ongoing Progress – Teacher Training as staff and individually (March 29 & 30) – Improvements to the infrastructure
Main Objectives More actively engaged students with increased student enthusiasm and participation
Main Objectives Better individual and collaborative research and analytical skills
Main Objectives Enhanced teacher instruction and an increase in their role as facilitator
Main Objectives Intentional transfer of the learning process to more student-designed, real-life projects connected to the curriculum
Levels of Implementation Substitution technology acts as a substitute for a tool that was already being used Expansion technology is used to supplement curriculum Modification or Redesign technology allows for the redesign of the tasks Example: Project-Based Learning Redefinition
Levels of Implementation Redefinition technology allows the creation of new tasks sometimes integrated with group work focus shifts to student’s ability to share content that they have learned with real-world application students have more control over how they will complete task students have access to a variety of multimedia tools Example: Challenged-Based Learning
Timeline To Implementation August 2010: St. Lorenz begins investigating merits and implementation of a one-to-one learning program September 2010: Principal meets with Administrative Pastor, Director of Parish Services, middle school teachers, and the School Committee to share concept of one-to-one learning environment Goal is set to evaluate and make a decision about implementing a one-to-one program for grades 6-8 by February/March 2011.
Timeline To Implementation November 2010: Meeting with Apple representative to discuss product, infrastructure needs, training, and observation of a one-to-one program December 2010 Meetings with various organizations to discuss possibility of funding for technology initiative.
Timeline To Implementation January 2011: Middle school teachers take part in Google Apps training focusing on the collaboration opportunities it provides. Apple Executive Briefing Center in Chicago to receive details regarding Apple products especially the Mac Book and the tools that it offers for educational purposes. Visit to Holland Christian School for 21 st Century Institute and opportunity to observe their one-to-one learning environment.
Timeline To Implementation January 2011: Middle school teachers meet to discuss vision and concerns regarding the possibility of implementing one-to-one program starting in school year Frankenmuth Community Foundation and other local donors agree to help financially support a technology initiative at St. Lorenz
Timeline To Implementation February 2011: Principal meets with Administrative Pastor and Director of Parish Services to discuss educational merits, hardware/software issues, infrastructure, funding plans, communication to stakeholders, and other requirements of implementation Principal shares one-to-one presentation with entire faculty outlining the merits and implementation of one-to-one program Administrative Pastor and Director of Parish Services support the move forward with complete implementation for school year.
Timeline To Implementation March 2010: Principal presents a comprehensive presentation to parents of students going into grades 6-8 for the school year at annual registration meetings. A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document answering general questions about the program is shared. Survey is taken of parents in attendance Open forums are planned for parents to ask questions.
Timeline T o Implementation April 2011: Sign contract with Apple Corporation for 155 laptops. MacBook basic training for middle school teachers. June 2011: Sell inventory of PC laptops that will not be used in other grade levels. July 2011: Take receipt of student computers, image, and begin cataloging.
Timeline To Implementation August 2011: Finish cataloging computers, setting up directories for students on the school’s server. Education Day For Parents/Students (end of August) Laptop “Roll Out” Maintenance & Care Training Acceptable Use and Parent Control Educational Tools Apple Teacher training (training will continue throughout school year and beyond)
Cost of Program $1,100 (Total Cost of MacBook) $1,100 (Total Cost of MacBook) X 155 (Projected Number of Students in 6-8) X 155 (Projected Number of Students in 6-8) $170,500 (Total Lease Amount for 3-years) $170,500 (Total Lease Amount for 3-years) $56, (Total Lease Amount for 1-year) $56, (Total Lease Amount for 1-year) $ (Cost per year/per laptop) $ (Cost per year/per laptop) $? ? ? ? = Teacher Training, Infrastructure, etc.$? ? ? ? = Teacher Training, Infrastructure, etc.
Seed Money for Initiative $15,000 Committed by the Frankenmuth Community Foundation for each of the first 3 years $15,000 Committed by the Frankenmuth Community Foundation for each of the first 3 years $8,000 Donated by individual donors for various requirements of the implementation process$8,000 Donated by individual donors for various requirements of the implementation process $????? Financial support from other individual, organizations, and grant suppliers$????? Financial support from other individual, organizations, and grant suppliers
Cost to Parents $150 Parents portion of first year of lease $150 Parents portion of first year of lease $ 200 Potential Parent portion for second year of lease $ 200 Potential Parent portion for second year of lease $250 Potential Parent portion for third year of lease $250 Potential Parent portion for third year of lease $62.65 Insurance Options$62.65 Insurance Options Option 1 is for full coverage at $62.65 Option 1 is for full coverage at $62.65 Option 2 is for full coverage at $57.34 with $100 deductible Option 2 is for full coverage at $57.34 with $100 deductible Option 3 is for accidental damage at $42.13 Option 3 is for accidental damage at $42.13 Option 4 is for accidental damage at $38.08 with $100 deductible Option 4 is for accidental damage at $38.08 with $100 deductible $50Computer Bag (Optional)$50Computer Bag (Optional)
Open Forums (Learning Center) Wednesday, April 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 10:00 a.m. Thursday, April 5:00 p.m. Thursday, April 5:00 p.m. Saturday, April 1:00 p.m. Saturday, April 1:00 p.m. Read FAQ Document Read FAQ Document
Parent Survey WEB22BZZTB4WMD/ WEB22BZZTB4WMD/ (web address is case sensitive) Sticker on front cover of folder