InfoEd is a company specializing in software solutions for research administration. SPINPlus is InfoEd's web-based subscription search engine that provides access to three databases What is SPINPlus?
Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) enables users to search a funding opportunities database using specified criteria (keywords, location, sponsor, deadline, etc.). Contains more than 2,500 agencies offering federal, non-federal, and international funding opportunities. Primary source information obtained directly from the sponsoring agencies to ensure the integrity of the data.
S OME SPIN S PONSORS I NCLUDE : FEDERAL: Department of Education Environmental Protection Agency National Institutes of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Science Foundation National Endowment for the Humanities NON-FEDERAL: Aetna Foundation, Inc American Cancer Society Glaxo Wellcome Foundation New York State Department of Health Pew Charitable Trusts Rockefeller Foundation Wells Fargo
The AU subscription to SPIN provides institution-wide access via any computer on campus. From your browser go to Click the SPIN button in the top right hand corner. The SPIN Search main page will appear. A CCESSING SPIN
T HE SPIN S EARCH M AIN P AGE SPIN Today (Search Federal Register and CBD) Quick Links Searching (Quick Search, Advanced Search, and NEW SPIN QS)
SPIN Q UICK S EARCH Type the word(s) you want to search for in the Quick Search for text box. Find drop-down menu options: All Words (AND logic), Any Words (OR logic), or Exact Phrase. in Fields… drop-down menu, select the field(s) from which the Quick Search will look for your words (Title, Objectives, Synopsis, or All.) From the Return Results drop-down menu, select the number of results you would like to view per page. From the in Database Type… drop-down menu, specify the country database to search in which you are geographically located. From the Sort Order drop-down menu, choose the order in which to sort your search results. Click Search. The Quick Search function allows you to search the text of SPIN programs for a particular word or phrase.
SPIN Results Page At the bottom of the SPIN Search Results page you can refine your search by Searching Within Existing Results OR Performing a New Search.
SPIN Advanced Search Advanced Search integrates the functionality of Quick Search with Boolean logic and the ability to search all fields. Access the Advanced Search Page link at the top or bottom of the SPIN Search Results page or at the bottom of the Quick Search screen.
The Advanced Search page is divided into search criteria categories. Criteria can be added under each field. The number of categories you use will impact your search results. Filling in too many fields will restrict your search. SPIN Advanced Search Click Hyperlink Categories to make selections Type a word or phrase into the Free Text Fields Make selections from the Drop-Down Menus
SPIN Advanced Search Categories Database Type allows you to specify the country in which you are located in order to find relevant funding. Keywords narrow a search by a program’s research areas. Each program is categorized by keywords. Most important field. Applicant Types are used to describe both you and your institution. If more than 1 is chosen, ‘OR’ Logic is used. Award Types describe the type of funding you seek. Citizenship allows you to search on opportunities restricted to a certain citizenship. Geographical Restrictions allows you to specify where you are located. Locations Tenable allows you to specify where you would like to carry out the award. Title Contains allows you to search for a word(s) in the program title. Objectives Contains allows you to search for a word(s) in the program Objectives. Synopsis Contains allows you to search for a word(s) in the program Synopsis. Sponsor allows you to specify particular funding agencies. Sponsor Type searches for groups of sponsors. Target Groups searches for funding that will directly benefit a specific population. Program Numbers allow you to search a particular SPIN Program. Deadline Dates allow you to specify a time period. Proposal Restrictions allows you to identify those sponsors that restrict the number of applications per institution. Main categories and their purpose are described below.
SPIN A DVANCED S EARCH Selecting Keywords: Choose an entire division of keywords by major topic for a very broad search
SPIN A DVANCED S EARCH Choose specific keywords within a major topic area.
SPIN A DVANCED S EARCH Choose specific keywords from an alphabetical listing
SPIN A DVANCED S EARCH Search for particular keywords via the Search for a Particular Keyword box.
SPIN Advanced Search After Keywords, focus the search by adding criteria under appropriate categories. Select the country in which you are geographically located to receive relevant results. To exclude programs for which you are not eligible, select Applicant Types that describe both the individual and the institution applying for the award. Select Award Types if you are looking for a particular funding mechanism (ex. Research Grants/R&D only) to exclude funding mechanisms you are not interested in (ex. Fellowships, Internships, etc.) Choose your citizenship and Any/No Restrictions to include those programs that do not impose citizenship restrictions. Geographic Restrictions should be used to restrict programs based on where you are located. Choose your state, region(s), and NO RESTRICTIONS to include programs that do not impose geographic restrictions. Locations Tenable allows you to specify where you would like to go to carry out the award. Include Any/No Restrictions to include programs that do not specify where the award must be carried out.
Selecting Deadlines Choose Equals, Greater Than, or Less Than a specific date to exclude certain SPIN programs by deadline date. Choose Range to search for programs with deadline dates within a specific range. Choose Open Dates Only to include only programs with open deadlines in your search. SPIN Advanced Search All is the default and will include all SPIN programs in your search regardless of the deadline date(s). The Deadline(s) field can be used to narrow search results by deadline date(s). Click Deadline(s) from the Advanced Search page.
SPIN A DVANCED S EARCH R UNNING A S EARCH After selecting search criteria, click Run Search at the bottom of the search page.
Click Program Number to view program details. Select the check box next to the Program Number to include it in your report. Search Results appear formatted for easy viewing. Viewing/Selecting Search Results SPIN Advanced Search 2. Once you have run the search, the SPIN Search Results page appears. You can scroll through a partial synopsis and/or objectives of each program.
S PIN A DVANCED S EARCH 6.1 Select the programs you would like to include in a SPIN report by selecting the check box next to the appropriate SPIN program numbers. Select a report format and output destination. Click Build. When building a report of 200 programs or more, use the Save To File destination option. Full Program displays all categories of a SPIN program Summary Format displays a summary of the SPIN program. Custom Layout allows you to customize your own report layout. Deadline Date Format (Range Only or All Dates) displays a summary of the SPIN program. Display to Browser/Print allows you to display your report to your browser and print. Save To File allows you to save your report to your hard drive or disk.
NEW SPIN QS Accessed via the INFOEd home page or SPIN main page Searches carried out against the entire text of the SPIN programs Automatically invokes inflectional forms of the entered words. Ability to pass the entered terms through an integrated thesaurus enable the Find Similar Terms checkbox insert a ‘~’ before each individual term you want passed through the thesaurus. Find Similar Terms checkbox will not expand quoted strings (e.g. “search term”) via the thesaurus by default. You must insert a ~ before the quoted string Capable of building complex searches with various logic and grammar parsing. commands can be combined together, along with parenthetical logic to dictate the order of operations, for building complex queries
SPIN Matching And Research Transmittal Service is an electronic matching and funding opportunity notification system which provides investigators with a direct and targeted electronic link to comprehensive, current, and available national and international research funding information. Investigator profile information is collected via forms in GENIUS and used for matching with the SPIN database. Matching is conducted on a daily basis and programs are automatically ed to individual researchers. Researchers may receive information in Summary or Full Program reports. What is SMARTS?
Global Expertise Network for Industry, University, and Scholars (GENIUS) is a global WWW network and database of scientific and scholarly expertise containing profiles entered and maintained by scholars and researchers at leading universities and research institutions throughout the world. GENIUS provides a searchable resource for locating academic investigators/research partners for potential collaborations. Search profiles based on Keywords, Research Interests, Institution, State, and/or Country. You can also perform free-text searches on full profiles. What is GENIUS?
A CCESSING SMARTS/GENIUS To access SMARTS/GENIUS: From your browser, go to InfoEd’s homepage Click the GENIUS button in the top right hand corner. The SMARTS/GENIUS main page will appear.
C REATING A SMARTS/GENIUS P ROFILE You must create a GENIUS profile to receive SMARTS matches and/or to save your Curriculum Vitae. To create a GENIUS profile: 1. Click Create a New Profile from the SMARTS/GENIUS main page. 8.1
2. Highlight your institution and click Select. Creating a SMARTS/GENIUS Profile
C REATING A SMARTS/GENIUS P ROFILE 3. On the New Profile Registration page enter your first and last name, address, department affiliation, and a username and password. Username and password are case sensitive. 4. Click Submit
Creating a SMARTS/GENIUS Profile 5. The Profile Summary Page will appear. Add information into the categories that meet your needs.
This is the name of the investigator/faculty member and the institution with which they are affiliated. Investigator Name/Institution Name Full Profile View The Full Profile View will display all of the categories/information you have entered into your profile. Account Status Account Status indicates whether a profile has been validated or is pending validation. A profile must be validated by your Module Administrator in order to receive SMARTS matches. General and Keywords categories need to be completed in order to receive SMARTS matches or to store your Curriculum Vitae. Categories Required for GENIUS and SMARTS Categories Used in SMARTS Matching These categories are used to tailor search results for more targeted SMARTS matches. Categories Used in GENIUS These categories are used to store Curriculum Vitae within GENIUS. Biographical Sketch Template The Biographical Sketch Template enables you to customize and generate the official NIH 398 forms from data stored in your GENIUS profile. You can also export your full CV into Word, modify the information, and use it outside of InfoEd’s system. Profile Summary Page
Categories Required for SMARTS/GENIUS Required fields are Name, Department, , and Citizenship. In order to receive SMARTS matches, you need to fill out the General and Keywords categories. Click General from the Profile Summary Page. The General Information page stores all of the investigator’s contact/institution information. Under Private Profile, select Yes to prevent your profile from being searchable within the GENIUS database. Select No if you would like your profile information to be visible to investigators at your institution or globally. Click Department for instructions on selecting your primary department. To move from one field to the next, use the TAB key on your keyboard or the mouse.
Categories Required for SMARTS Matching After you have entered your General information, there are five questions at the bottom of the General Information page that need to be answered in order to receive SMARTS notifications. Question 1 Question 1 allows you to specify whether you would like prospective partners/collaborators, who find you in GENIUS searches, to contact you directly or make initial contact with your institutional contact. Question 2 Question 2 allows you to specify whether you would like to receive SMARTS matches. To receive SMARTS matches, make sure the Yes option button is selected. Question 3 Question 3 allows you to specify how you would like to receive your SMARTS matches (in a single message or one “hit” per . Question 4 Question 4 allows you to specify whether you only want to receive SMARTS output of programs from U.S. sponsors only. Question 5 Question 5 allows you to specify the format in which you would like to receive your SMARTS output (Full Program or Summary Format). Click here to view a sample of SMARTS output in Full Program format.
Categories Required for SMARTS/GENIUS Once you have completed the General Information page, you need to fill out Keywords based on your areas of interest. Your selected keywords will be used in SMARTS matching. Click Keywords from the Profile Summary Page.
Selecting Keywords The Keywords screen appears. Keywords are broken into 12 major divisions. You can select Keywords in four different ways: Choose specific keywords within a major topic area. Specific Keywords Within a Major Topic Area Search for particular keywords via the Search for a Particular Keyword box. Search for a Particular Keyword box Choose specific keywords from an alphabetical listing of the Keyword Thesaurus. Alphabetical Listing Choose an entire division of keywords by major topic for a very broad search. Entire Division of Keywords
Selecting Keywords To select multiple keywords from the list, hold down the Control key (or Command key on a Mac) while clicking the mouse. OR Logic is automatically imposed on selected keywords. Once you have selected keywords, click Select/Save Changes to save keywords. Keywords that appear in all caps on the list indicate general keywords. Selecting these keywords will increase the number of general programs you receive as SMARTS matches. Click Return to return to the Profile Summary Page.
Selecting Keywords You can choose to receive Exact Matches or Hierarchical Matches on keywords.
Selecting Keywords Exact MatchingHierarchical Matching HEALTH AND SAFETY/MEDICAL SCIENCES/BIOMEDICAL Anatomical Systems/Sites Bone Marrow Cardiovascular System Disease Entities/Medical Problems, Behavior Asthma Lung Cancer Exact Matching: In the example above, if you chose the keyword HEALTH AND SAFETY/MEDICAL SCIENCES/BIOMEDICAL in combination with Exact Matches, you would receive SMARTS matches of SPIN programs that contain that exact keyword. Hierarchical Matches: If you chose the same keyword in combination with Hierarchical Matches, you would receive SMARTS matches of SPIN programs that contain that exact keyword, plus SPIN programs containing any keywords that fall hierarchically under HEALTH AND SAFETY/MEDICAL SCIENCES/BIOMEDICAL, such as Anatomical System/Sites, Bone Marrow, Cardiovascular System, etc.
Categories Required for SMARTS Matching Once you select keywords based on your areas of interest, you have the option of selecting additional criteria in the categories under Used in SMARTS matching to tailor your search. To exclude programs for which you are not eligible, select Applicant Types that describe you (ex. faculty member, researcher/investigator, graduate student, etc.) Select Award Types if you are looking for a particular funding mechanism (ex. research grants only) to exclude funding mechanisms you are not interested in (ex. fellowships, internships, etc.) Geographical Restrictions should be used to restrict programs based on where you are located. Choose your state and region in combination with No RESTRICTIONS. Locations Tenable allows you to specify where you would like to go to carry out the award. Include Any/No Restrictions to include programs that do not specify location restrictions. Sponsor Types describe the type of organization administering the grant/award (ex. federal, foundation, etc.)
Once you create a GENIUS profile, you have control over your profile information and can access your profile at any time to make changes. To edit your GENIUS profile, click Edit Existing Profile from the SMARTS/GENIUS Search main page. Enter your username and password. The Profile Summary Page will appear where you can edit the appropriate categories of your profile. Editing Your SMARTS/GENIUS Profile