Nerves, Hormones & Homeostasis
Assessment StatementsObj State that the nervous system consists of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nerves, and is composed of cells called neurons that carry rapid electrical impulses Draw and label a diagram of the structure of a motor neuron State that nerve impulses are conducted from receptors to the CNS by sensory neurons, within the CNS by relay neurons, and from the CNS to effectors by motor neurons Define resting potential and action potential (depolarization and repolarization) Explain how a nerve impulse passes along a non-myelinated neuron Explain the principles of synaptic transmission State that the endocrine system consists of glands that release hormones that are transported in the blood State that homeostasis involves maintaining the internal environment between limits, including blood pH, carbon dioxide concentration, blood glucose concentration, body temperature and water balance Explain that homeostasis involves monitoring levels of variables and correcting changes in levels by negative feedback mechanisms Explain the control of body temperature, including the transfer of heat in the blood, and the roles of the hypothalamus, sweat glands, skin arterioles and shivering Explain the control of blood glucose concentration, including the roles of insulin, glucagon and α and β cells Distinguish between type I and type II diabetes. 2 Assessment statements from: Online IB Biology Subject GuideOnline IB Biology Subject GuideCommand terms:
Diagram from: The Motor Neuron nerve impulse
From McGraw Hill:
The Endocrine System A stimulus is received and processed. Hormones are secreted directly into the blood. They are carried to the target tissues (the place of intended action). The action of the hormone changes the condition of the tissue. This change in monitored through feedback. Most hormonal change results in negative feedback. Key endocrine glands: Endocrine glands from:
The Endocrine System A stimulus is received and processed. Hormones are secreted directly into the blood. They are carried to the target tissues (the place of intended action). The action of the hormone changes the condition of the tissue. This change in monitored through feedback. Most hormonal change results in negative feedback. Key endocrine glands: 1.Pineal glandPineal gland 2.Pituitary glandPituitary gland 3.Thyroid glandThyroid gland 4.ThymusThymus 5.Adrenal glandAdrenal gland 6.PancreasPancreas 7.Ovary (female)Ovary (female) 8.Testes (male)Testes (male) Endocrine glands from:
A simple diabetes animation
Diabetes Research Activity Use the following websites to gather data on the prevalence of diabetes worldwide: Then use this data to evaluate the following statement: 77% of people worldwide with diabetes are in low or middle income countries. Suggest a hypothesis as to why this statement is true, and search through the data to see if you can derive a correlation. Design a one page report on this topic, detailing the information that you found and whether it supports or refutes.
Your Task: To design and record the most efficient negative feedback loop model of a hormone in a small group using only the space equivalent to one desktop. Steps you must include (for example): Digestion of starch by mouth Digestion of sugar by stomach/small intestine Assimilation of sugar into blood stream Pancreas stimulating release of insulin Cells receiving insulin from pancreas Cells then up-taking glucose from blood stream Particles you should make sure to include: Glucose Starch Beta Cells Record your pathway using Vine and post it under #profbiohl2. (upon a certain concentration of glucose being reached) + = Awesome!