Chapter 4 Training and Conditioning Principles of conditioning –Warm-up and cool-down –Motivation –Overload (SAID) –Consistency –Progression –Intensity –Specificity –Individuality –Minimize stress –Safety
Flexibility and Stretching Limited by??? Agonist vs antagonist Types of stretching techniques –Ballistic –Static –PNF Slow-reversal-hold-relax Contract-relax Hold-relax
Neurophysiologic Basis of Stretching Stretch Reflex –Muscle spindles
Muscle Spindle Extrafusal vs. Intrafusal fibers extrafusal = skeletal muscle fibers intrafusal = muscle spindle fibers Detects length and rate of length
Muscle Spindles Intrafusal fibers –located within muscle belly –stretching a muscle also stretches the muscle spindle –most sensitive to rapid stretching
Golgi Tendon Organ –located within tendons –Sensitive to excessive tension due to stretch –Most sensitive to excessive tension due to muscle contraction –excessive tension will cause a reflexive inhibition
Type of muscle contraction Eccentric Concentric Isometric Econcentric
Strength, Power, Endurance Strength determined by: –Muscle fiber number/size –Neuromuscular efficiency –Biomechanical factors Increased strength due to?
Types of Resistance Training Isometric Isotonic Isokinetic Circuit training Plyometric