Gender and Modernisation in the Irish Republic International Perspectives on Gender Week 18
July 12, 1963 Sean Lemass
1960s women factory workers
Ireland’s Declining Fertility Rate, : 2.05 live births / woman
Women’s Organizations, 1960s and 1970s
Gay Byrne, The Late, Late Show presenter
1980s: Recession And Drug Dependency
Visit of Pope John Paul II to Ireland, 1979
Campaign Poster, 1983 Referendum
Ireland’s Declining Fertility Rate, : 2.05 live births / woman
Campaign Posters, Irish referendum on Divorce, 1986
Irish Women’s Studies
Irish Economy Takes Off
Sean O’Casey Bridge, Dublin Docklands
Declining Trust in the Catholic Church
Mary Robinson Irish President
Pro-Choice Campaign Poster, Abortion Referenda 1992
Pro-Life Campaign Poster Abortion Referendum 2002
Campaigning for Access to Abortion
Unfinished Housing near Dublin
Former Dell Factory, Limerick
Irish Unemployment Rate Peaked at 15% in 2011 Under 25 unemployment rate was 25% in Nov 2013 Peaked at 31% in Jan 2012 Irish graduates protesting at the Famine memorial next to the Irish Center for Financial Services