www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Metamaterials for future information and computer technologies.
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. To elaborate effective nano-sized single photon sources on demand and to integrate them in nano-chips of optical and quantum computers. Moreover we want to create new market of nano-sized optical and quantum chips. Our Super Goal
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. NV-centers in Diamonds Stable source of photons Operation at room temperatures Relatively simple and cheap manufacturing Broad operation band width Great spin decoherence times (1.8 ms)
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. First Single Photon Source
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Prototype Shortcomings: Wavelength 700 nm Spectral width (FWHM) lOOnm Frequency =150 kHz Unpolarised output Continuous pumping results in low efficiency Nondirectional and unpolarized radiation from nanodiamonds results in low efficiency, that is only small part of emitted photons are flying to consumer Optical fiber to consumer Single photon emission rate is limited by lifetime of excited state and small power of continuous pumping Large size of fibers (> 10 µm) does not allow to integrate this source on nanochip
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Our device has no these limitations PrototypeOur Source Wavelength 700 nm Spectral width (FWHM) lOOnmSpectral width (FWHM) > 2OOnm (due to broadband HMM) Frequency =150 kHzFrequency =10GHz (due to high density of states of HMM) g (2) (0)<0.1 g (2) (0)<0.05 due to pulsed pumping and HMM Unpolarized outputPolarized output Due to HMM anisotropy Very low efficiencyVery high efficiency due to directivity and pulsed pumping Large size does not allow to speak about nanointegration AT ALL The design implies the integration on nanochips
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Operation principle of prototype Operation principle of our SPS Making use of HMM allows us to reduce spontaneous emission lifetime by 2-3 ORDERS of magnitude. Making use of ps laser pulse and plasmonic nanoantennas allows us to reduce the pumping time and и g (2) (0) (It is proved in our experiments!). As a result minimal time between emission of single photons can be decreased by several order of magnitude!!! Spontaneous emission time ( >10ns).Usually it is impossible to control this time and properties of emitted photon Minimal time between single photons in prototype Excitation time (depends on laser)
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. First experimental evidence of spontaneous life time reduction by HMM (Appl Phys B (2010) 100: 215–218)
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Novel excitiong confirmation of our idea Nanodiamonds on HMMNanodiamonds on cover glass Enhancement factor is greater than 20 now!!! Lifetime 21 ns Lifetime 1 ns
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. So the preliminary results of 2011 year confirm our idea again. Moreover it was possible to demonstrate increasing in SPS emission rate (number of photons per second) by factor 10 in comparison with previous experiments. Sufficient funding will definitely allow us to reach our goal and to provide increasing in SPS emission rate by factor 100 and even more.
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. I stage ( years) is a research stage. The functioning model of SPS device with controllable times of photons emission ( single photon on demand) will be built. Cost of research is $2 million. At this stage the parameters of our SPS will exceed prototype's parameters (emission rate and energy efficiency). The realizability of this stage is based both on experimental demonstration of the effect and our know-how technologies of manufacturing of plasmonic nano-antennas and hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM) etc.
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. 12 Optical pumping by ps pulse of SPECIAL shape results in decreasing of g (2) (0) and in increasing of energy efficiency. Operation principle of our single channel SPS (I stage) Diamond nano crystall (4-5nm) with с NV-center. Hyperbolic metamaterial Directed and polarized single photon generated with the help of HMM and nano-antenna. Plasmonic nano - waveguide or antenna bring photon to optical or quantum computer or to other consumers. Plasmonic nano-antenna will increase pumping efficiency and directivity of radiation. It also allows us to control time of emission.
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. II stage ( years) is development stage. Functioning nanosized SPS prototype will be built Cost of development is $5-10 million. Besides single channel SPS, the multichannel chip will be created with full control of emission time in all channels (Single photons on demand).
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. ps laser pulse of special shape with HORIZONTAL polarization (yellow arrow) will excite only NV center in nanodiamonds with HORIZONTAL antennas attached. Photons will go to consumer over red waveguides ps laser pulse of special shape with VERTICAL polarization (yellow arrow) will excite only NV center in nanodiamonds with VERTICAL antennas attached. Photons will go to consumer over red waveguides Hyperbolic metamaterial Operation principle of multichannel SPS (II stage)
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Key features of our SPS Making use of NV-center in nanodiamonds as stable source of photons. Making use of nanoantennas and hyperbolic metamaterials as emission and photon quality enhancers. Making use of special shape of ps excitation pulses. High level integration of nanodiamonds, nanoantennas and nanovaeguides on the metamaterial substrate paves the way to development of quantum and optical nanochips.
www. nanometatech.com © 2012 Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. Project Team Vladimir Shalaev SCIENTIFIC DIRECTOR A World-leading expert in the area of metamaterials research and applications Eric Kochman PRESIDENT & CEO An expert on nanodiamonds and successful entrepreneur in the area of new technologies in US and Europe. Vasiliy Klimov THE HEAD OF THEORETICAL MODELING GROUP A leading expert in the area of metamaterials. Andrey Smolyaninov COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR successful entrepreneur in the area of new technologies