Textiles, Steam, Iron and Coal Industries. The Textile Industry The textile industry was a very important part of the Industrial Revolution, it made Great.


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Presentation transcript:

Textiles, Steam, Iron and Coal Industries

The Textile Industry The textile industry was a very important part of the Industrial Revolution, it made Great Britain into a rich and powerful country. Today of course many textiles are made of synthetic fibers, many are made from oil. Until Twentieth century, all cloth was made from plant and animal fibers, Wool from sheep, silk from silk worms, and linen from flax.

The Steam Machine Other industries also became dependent upon a secure source of power. Many industries close to a source of power of running water could use water wheels to run machines, as long as the factory was not to big. But the lack of power was a major problem for many factory owners. It was a big breakthrough for providing power for factorys.

The Iron And Coal Industries The Iron and Coal Industries were also an important Industry to the Industrial Revolution, they began to grow much faster after the 1750s, that’s when Abraham Darby invented a process for making better cast-iron. Improvements by other inventors followed by quickly after this had happened. Soon cast iron products were available almost everywhere.

Pro’s and Con’s of the Industrial... Revolution. Pro: Lots of new inventions came quickly and faster to society. Faster ways to make cast- iron. Con: People got disease's faster because of the problems with fumes and toxins. Inhaling cast iron fumes caused more sickness.