Sample Survey of Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 (N = 149) Conducted by Korean American Coalition Research Director: Prof. Eui-Young Yu (Cal State LA) Assistants: Jennifer Sohn and Sophia Kim September 17, 2003 This project is partly sponsored by Christian Herald.
Table 1.1. Detailed Denominations of Korean American Churches in Southern California, 2003 교단 및 교파명교회수 Percent 미주한인예수교장로회통합 % 대한예수교장로회미주합동총회 % United Methodist Church138.72% Southern Baptist Church128.05% Presbyterian Church USA85.37% 미주한인예수교장로회개혁 74.70% 기독교대한감리회 74.70% 기독교미주성결교회 64.03% Christian Reformed Church53.36% Presbyterian Church in America42.68% 재미한인예수교장로회 32.01% 크리스찬장로회 32.01% 순복음북미총회 32.01% Assembly of God32.01% Church of Christ32.01% 재칠일안식일예수재림교회 32.01% 장로교회 21.34% 북미주개혁장로회 21.34%
Table 1.2. Detailed Denominations of Korean American Churches in Southern California, 2003 교단 및 교파명교회수 Percent 대한예수교장로회미주연합노회 21.34% The Wesleyan Church21.34% 기독교연합선교회 21.34% International Church of the Four Square21.34% 대한예수교장로회 전도총회 10.67% 대한예수교장로회 합동 전통 10.67% 미주합동개혁장로교회 10.67% 장로교합동보수 10.67% 예수교장로회재건교단 10.67% 미주복음주의장로교협의회 10.67% 미주세계감리회 10.67% Goodness Mission Baptist10.67% 성서침례교회 10.67% Church of God10.67% Christian Church ( 제자회 ) 10.67% 세계복음선교연합회 10.67% 나사렛교단 10.67% 독립 또는 초교파 64.03% 교단 또는 교파 불명 42.68% Total %
Table 2. Denominational Affiliation of Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 DenominationFrequencyPercent Presbyterian Methodist Baptist149.7 Holiness64.1 Other Total
Table 3. Year Founded, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Year FoundedFrequencyPercent 1904 – – – – – Total
Table 4. Number of Sunday Attendants, 25 Years of Age and Over, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Number of Attendants FrequencyPercent Less than – – – – – ,000 and Over32.0 Total Minimum0 Maximum4,000 Mean147.4 Median57.5
Table 5. Number of Sunday Attendants, 18 – 24 Years of Age, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Number of Attendants FrequencyPercent Less than – – – – ,000 and Over1.7 Total Mean31.4 Median10
Table 6. Number of Sunday Attendants, Under 18 Years of Age, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Number of Attendants FrequencyPercent Less than – – – – – ,000 and Over1.7 Total Mean65.9 Median26.0
Table 7. Number of Sunday Attendants, 18 Years of Age and over, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Number of Attendants FrequencyPercent Less than – – – – – ,000 and Over32.0 Total Minimum2 Maximum5,200 Mean176 Median71
Table 8. Total Sunday Attendance Including Children, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Number of Attendants FrequencyPercent Less than – – – – – ,000 and Over53.4 Total Minimum2 Maximum7,900 Mean241 Median97
Table 9. Church School, College Group, and English Ministry Attendance, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Grade LevelMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Kindergarten Grades Grades Grades College Group (47.6%)250 English Ministry (60.4%)200 Youth Adult Group (49.0%)700
Early Morning ServiceMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Male (14.7%)120 Female (15.4%)150 Total (12.2%)250 Wednesday Evening ServiceMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Male (39.7%)150 Female (39.0%)180 Total (37.8%)330 Table 10. Number of Attendance at Early Morning and Wednesday Evening Services, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003
Table 11. Number of Full-time Pastors, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Full-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean1.51 Median1.00
Table 12. Number of Part-time Pastors, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Part-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean.64 Median.00
Table 13. Number of Full-Time Jundosanim, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Full-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean.49 Median.00
Table 14. Number of Part-time Jundosanim, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Part-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean1.62 Median1.00
Table 15. Number of Jundosanim, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 NumberFrequencyPercent or more Total Mean2.11 Median1.00
Table 16. Number of Full-time Non-pastoral Staff, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Full-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean.46 Median.00
Table 17. Number of Part-time Non-pastoral Staff, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Part-timeFrequencyPercent or More Total Mean1.21 Median1.00
Table 18. Number of Ruling Elders, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Ruling Elders FrequencyPercent – or More Total Mean2.21 Median1.00
Table 19. Number of Non-ruling Elders, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Non-ruling Elders FrequencyPercent – or More Total Mean1.67 Median0.00
Table 20. Number of Kwonsanim, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 KwonsanimFrequencyPercent – – – or More Total Mean9.03 Median3.00
Table 21. Number of Deacons, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 DeaconsMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Ordained Not ordained ,126 Total Jipsanim ,276
DeaconsMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Number of Missionaries (14.1%)120 Number of Countries (17.7%)44 Annual Monetary Support for Missionaries($) 26,7085,7000 (18.3%)700,000 Percent of Church Budget Allocated to Missionaries 13.31%10.00%0 (12.1%)100% Table 22. Missionary Support by Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003
23.1. Countries where Korean American Churches are Supporting Missionaries, Southern California, 2003 CountriesNumber of ChurchesPercent China % Mexico % South Korea % U.S.A % Russia149.40% Mongolia138.72% Japan128.05% Brazil128.05% Thailand117.38% North Korea117.38% Kenya117.38% Philippines96.04% Indonesia85.37% Turkey85.37% Peru85.37% Nepal74.70% Bolivia74.70%
23.2. Countries where Korean American Churches are Supporting Missionaries, Southern California, 2003 CountriesNumber of ChurchesPercent Guiana74.70% India64.03% Afghanistan64.03% Israel64.03% Uzbekhistan64.03% Kazakhstan64.03% Paraguay64.03% Arzentina64.03% Papua New Guinea53.36% Bangladesh53.36% Pakistan53.36% Africa Region53.36% Ukraina53.36% Vietnam42.68% Egypt42.68% Central Asia42.68% Cambodia32.01%
23.3. Countries where Korean American Churches are Supporting Missionaries, Southern California, 2003 CountriesNumber of ChurchesPercent South Africa32.01% Tanzania32.01% Kirighiztan32.01% Former USSR32.01% Canada32.01% Tibet21.34% Singapore21.34% Myanma (Burma)21.34% Asia Region21.34% Nigeria21.34% Gambia21.34% Yemen21.34% Hungary21.34% Greece21.34% Albania21.34% Middle East21.34% Costa Rica21.34%
23.4. Countries where Korean American Churches are Supporting Missionaries, Southern California, 2003 CountriesNumber of ChurchesPercent South America21.34% Taiwan10.67% Borneo10.67% Malyasia10.67% Laos10.67% Saipan10.67% Liberia10.67% Rewanda10.67% Gini10.67% Congo10.67% Ethiopia10.67% Bozwana10.67% Uganda10.67% Senegal10.67% Angola10.67% Zambia10.67% Somalia10.67%
23.5. Countries where Korean American Churches are Supporting Missionaries, Southern California, 2003 CountriesNumber of ChurchesPercent Namibia10.67% Jordan10.67% Germany10.67% Ireland10.67% Rumania10.67% Bulgaria10.67% Croatia10.67% Caucasus10.67% Europe10.67% Ecuador10.67% El Salvador10.67% Venequela10.67% Dominican Republic10.67% Chile10.67% Guatemala10.67% Latin America10.67% North America10.67% Australia10.67%
Table 24. Yearly Budget Total, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 Budget ($)FrequencyPercent Less than 50, ,000 – 99, ,000 – 249, ,000 – 499, ,000 – 999, ,000,000 – 2,499, ,500,000 – 4,999, ,000,000 and over1.7 Total Mean$336,000 Median$137,500
Table 25. Budget Allocation in Percent by Areas, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 AreaMeanMedianMinimumMaximum Church School (Education) (13.6%)40 Missionary Support (12.1%)100 Community Service (43.2%)20 Helping the needy (33.1%)50 Building/Facility Maintenance (10.7%)85 Salaries/Compensation (11.4%)80
FrequencyPercent Owned6946.6% Rented7852.7% Other10.7% Total % Table 26. Church Building Ownership, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003
FrequencyPercent Yes7349.7% No7450.3% Total % Table 27. Korean Language School Operation, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003
Table 28. Approve Work on the Sabbath?, Korean Pastors in Southern California, 2003 FrequencyPercent Unacceptable in Any Circumstance % Depends on Circumstance % Choice of Parties Involved % Total %
FrequencyPercent Unacceptable in Any Circumstance % Personal Decision5940.7% Couple’s Decision2718.7% Total % Table 29. Approve Divorce?, Korean Pastors in Southern California, 2003
Table 30. Approve Gay and Lesbian People?, Korean Pastors in Southern California, 2003 FrequencyPercent ApprovePercent Not Approve As Pastors42.7%97.3% As Church Officers149.7%90.3% As Church Members %24.6%
Table 31. Prospects of Korean Churches 50 Years from Now, Korean Churches of Southern California, 2003 FrequencyPercent Much more active3926.7% Same as now3020.5% Weaker than now5638.4% Much weaker than now2114.4% Total %
Table 32. Will the 2 nd Generation Inherit the 1 st Generation Churches?, Korean Churches in Southern California, 2003 FrequencyPercent Will definitely inherit1510.3% To some degree9665.8% They will leave3322.6% Don’t know21.4% Total %