Ireland Gay Peart-Murphy MISCP
Subgroup of Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists (ISCP) 350 members (1/3 of ISCP membership) Based in ISCP office 0.5 Staff support staff Huge changes coming for profession as a whole
Beginning to link more with ISCP Incorporate CPPP website into new ISCP site Majority of hits were form ISCP site ◦ FindaPhysio located in 3 areas on new website ◦ Members have own landing page ‘mini web page’ ◦ On the ‘Maintain Your Health’ pages
Made up of : ◦ CEO, Board members, Prof Advisor & Me! Looked at SA & OZ accreditation systems ◦ Attended SA webinars (thank you) ◦ Reviewed Oz standards Combined Irish docs with Oz Standards (thank you) Work in Progress!
State Registration coming at end of year Registering body = CORU Want ALL ISCP members ready for it ◦ Public & Private ◦ CPPP & non-CPPP Complaints no longer ‘in house’ ◦ Complaints on CORU website while investigated Random Audits
3 Seminars covering relevant standards Workshop type format PDF’s on (new…) website Getting ‘word’ about seminars out to all ◦ ISCP Twitter, Facebook accounts ◦ CPPP flash triggers ◦ ISCP ezeins & magazine ◦ CPPP e-newsletters
Print members Directory (11,000) Distribute it to: Private Hospitals, GP’s, Consultants (hard copy) Public Hospitals, GP Websites (soft copy) Took a Stand at ISCP conference ◦ Great to meet members ◦ Invited 2 web based companies to join stand Changed to e-newsletter
Socrates & Zeus ‘Ask the Expert’ GP Buddy Support mini-marathon & DCM Develop communication with Insurance companies
Attended IPPTA in NZ Attended Physio First in UK Held Foot & Ankle Seminar Countrywide CPR courses 3 Seminars on Standards Report back to members
Busy year Lots more to come Integrating with ISCP Go Raimh Mile Maith Agat!