CharacterPlus receive reports of evaluative data from schools who apply to Missouri Schools of Character. We have drawn from these applications, aggregated their data on discipline referrals and in school suspensions to provide these trend lines.
Climate & Culture Survey Process What Staff Say About… Students’ Feelings of Belonging Students’ Sense of School as a Community Students’ Sense of Autonomy & Influence Parent and Staff Relations School Leadership
Climate & Culture Survey Process What Students Say About… Students’ Feelings of Belonging Students’ Sense of School as a Community Students’ Sense of Autonomy & Influence Students’ sense of Competence Students’ Sense of Safety Parent Involvement in Home Parent Involvement in School
School CultureLowSolitary. no character integration, ineffective leadership HighCollaborative, caring, character integrated, effective leadership School Climate LowIsolation, loneliness, cliques, loners, bullying, minimum achievement HighCommunity, belonging, autonomy, influence, safe, competence, optimum achievement