The Mission of AVID swill succeed in the most rigorous curriculum, swill enter mainstream activities of the school, swill increase their enrollment in four-year colleges, and swill become educated and responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society. AVID is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance. The mission of AVID is to ensure that all students, and most especially the least served students in the middle capable of completing a college preparatory path:
The purpose of the AVID program is to restructure the teaching methods of an entire school and to open access to the curricula that will ensure four-year college eligibility to almost all students. The Purpose of AVID
Average to High Test Scores Average to High Test Scores GPA College Potential with Support Desire and Determination Students with Academic Potential Meets One or More of the Following Criteria First to Attend College First to Attend College Historically Underserved in 4-year Colleges Low Income Special Circumstances The AVID Student Profile
W I C WRITING Prewrite; Draft Respond; Revise Edit; Final Draft Class & Textbook Cornell Note-taking Learning Logs & Journals INQUIRY Skilled Questioning Socratic Seminars Quickwrite/Discussion Critical Thinking Activities Writing Questions Open-Minded Activities COLLABORATION Group Projects Study Groups Jigsaw Activities Read-Arounds Response/Edit/Revision Groups Collaborative Activities R READING SQ3R (Survey, Question,Read, Recite, Review) KWL (what I Know; Want to Learn; Learned) Reciprocal teaching “Think-alouds”
Friday Avid Curriculum Tutorials Binder Evaluation Field Trips Media Center Speakers Motivational Activities *(within block) Tuesday Monday Wednesday Thursday *Combination for Block Schedule A SAMPLE WEEK IN THE AVID ELECTIVE Daily or Block * Schedule Schedule AVID Tutorials Collaborative Study Groups Writing Groups Socratic Seminars AVID Curriculum includes: Writing Curriculum College and Careers Strategies for Success *Combination for Block Schedule Tutorials Avid Curriculum
Places low-achieving students in rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to achieve therein s Places low-achieving students in rigorous curriculum and gives them the support to achieve therein s Provides the explicit “hidden curriculum” of schools Constructing School Success: The Consequences of Untracking Low Achieving Students, Mehan et al, 1996 Why AVID Works
Provides a team of students for positive peer identification s Provides a team of students for positive peer identification s Redefines teacher’s role as that of student advocate Constructing School Success: The Consequences of Untracking Low Achieving Students, Mehan et al, 1996 Why AVID Works
Focuses on academic success of low-achieving students as a school- wide issue, with significant portions of the school culture mobilized toward their success s Focuses on academic success of low-achieving students as a school- wide issue, with significant portions of the school culture mobilized toward their success Constructing School Success: The Consequences of Untracking Low Achieving Students, Mehan et al, 1996 Why AVID Works
95% are enrolled in a college or university 95% are enrolled in a college or university 92% 92% of seniors took either the SAT or ACT 52% 52% of AVID seniors took at least one AP or IB exam 87% 87% of the seniors were accepted to four year colleges 18%UC Within California, 18% were accepted to a UC 75% of the graduates are working either full or part-time to send themselves through college 75% of the graduates are working either full or part-time to send themselves through college AVID College Graduates CREATE, Center for Research and Evaluation in Education, 2002, Palo Alto, CA (AVID students in California schools)
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