Chapter 6 – Metabolic Adaptations to Training
Adaptations to Aerobic Training Changes in trained muscle fiber and cardiovascular system Aerobic Power Variations among individuals Upper limit of maximal oxygen consumption Intramuscular Adaptations ST fiber changes FT fibers Capillary supply Mitochondrial Funtion
Adaptations to Aerobic Training Adaptations affecting energy sources CHO Fat
Training the Aerobic System Volume Caloric expenditure Intensity Training types Interval Continuous or LSD Fartlek
Training the Anaerobic System Changes in Anaerobic Power and Capacity Muscular Adaptations Cross-sectional area Percentage of fibers
Training the Anaerobic System Adaptations in anaerobic energy systems ATP-PCr system changes Anaerobic enzymes Anaerobic endurance or capacity Glycolytic system changes Enzyme activities Power output and rate of fatigue
Training the Anaerobic System Adaptations to Lactate Threshold Improved aerobic performance Other Adaptations to Anaerobic Training Efficiency of movement Aerobic energetics Buffering Capacity