Identifying Minerals SWBAT classify minerals according to their physical and chemical properties; identify different types of minerals; discuss how minerals are used
Mineral Identification Color –One of the most noticeable characteristics –Caused by trace elements or compounds in mineral Iron oxides – red Ferric iron – purple Iron hydrates – orange Manganese or titanium - rose –One of the least reliable ways to identify minerals
Mineral Identification Luster –The way that a mineral reflects light from its surface –Described as being metallic or nonmetallic –Differences are caused by the chemical compositions of the mineral
Mineral Identification Texture –How a mineral feels to the touch –Descriptions Smooth Rough Ragged Greasy Soapy Glassy
Mineral Identification Streak –The color of a mineral when it is broken up and powdered –It does not always match the color of the mineral –This test cannot be used for all minerals –More reliable than color because the streak rarely changes even if the color of the mineral does
Mineral Identification Hardness –A measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched Mohs Scale
Mineral Identification Cleavage –A mineral that splits along flat planes Fracture –A mineral that breaks with rough or jagged edges
Mineral Identification Density –The amount of mass in a given volume –D = M/V –Since density does not depend on size or shape of mineral it is very reliable for identification Specific Gravity –The ratio of weight of substance to the weight of an equal volume of water at 4°C
Mineral Identification Special Properties –Refraction of light –Reaction to hydrochloric acid –Magnetism –Smell
In your groups... Using what you have learned and the index on pages in your book fill in the missing information in the chart you have been given.
Mineral Uses When is a mineral an ore? –If it contains a useful substance that can be mined at a profit What are gems? Why are they valuable? –Valuable minerals that are prized for their rarity and beauty