C. Comer 6/7/06 Texas Education Agency Chris Castillo Comer Director of Science Texas Education Agency Science Education Update HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE UPDATE Summer 2006 Austin, Texas This presentation is available at for your convenience…
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Entering freshmen 2007; Graduating class of 2011 The total number of graduation credits required under both plans remains at 24. TAC Title 19; Part 2; Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements Subchapter F. Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year § Recommended High School Program. (3)Science--four credits. One credit must be a biology credit (Biology, Advanced Placement (AP) Biology, or International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology). Students must choose two credits from subparagraph (A) and one credit from subparagraph (B) of this paragraph to complete the science requirement.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Title 19; Part 2; Chapter 74; Sub-Chapter F (A) A student must select two credits from the following areas. Not more than one credit may be chosen from each of the areas to satisfy this requirement. (i)Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); (ii)Chemistry, AP Chemistry, or IB Chemistry; and (iii)Physics, Principles of Technology I, AP Physics, or IB Physics.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency (B)After successful completion of a biology course and two credits from IPC, a chemistry course, and/or a physics course, a student may select the fourth required credit from any of the following courses: (i) Geology, Meteorology, and Oceanography (GMO); (ii) Environmental Systems; (iii) Aquatic Science; (iv) Astronomy; (v) Anatomy and Physiology of Human Systems; (vi) AP/IB Biology; (vii) Chemistry, AP/IB Chemistry; (viii) Physics, AP/IB Physics; (ix) AP/IB Environmental Science; and (x) Scientific Research and Design. (xi) Engineering
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency The State of Science in Texas 85% of all 11th graders passed the Exit Level Science Assessment 55% of all Texas seniors graduated with the Recommended High School Plan Last year 23% of all graduating seniors took 4 years of science Grade 8 science was tested this spring with a 71% pass rate for all students at 2 SEM’s, and the online testing was successful with good result. The percentage of students passing science Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) increased this spring at grades 5,10, and Exit Level Grade 11.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency State Curriculum Trends Emphasis on science at very early ages At-risk students identified earlier and more programs to support students in credit recovery More High Schools with dropout recovery programs specializing in technical school/employment training Emphasis on higher expectations and more science to prepare students for technical training Greater high school to college coordination
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency GOVERNOR PERRY ANNOUNCES T-STEM ACADEMIES! $71 Million committed to Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics (T-STEM) Academies Part of Texas High School Project: Will establish 35 small schools that will offer focused opportunities in STEM-related curriculum Funded in part with Gates and Dell contributions Charles A. Dana Center named first of six centers for Educator Professional Development in STEM
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency How We Did Overall ScienceScienceTAKSMetStandard 2004 2005CommendedPerformance Grade 564% 75%16% 24% 5 th Span.23% 31% 5% Grade 871%* *first testing at 2 SEM 12%* first testing at 2 SEM Grade 1054% 60%4% 11% Grade 1171% 74%5% 9%
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency SCIENCE TAKS HIGH SCHOOL BLUEPRINT Objectives 1.Nature of Science 2.Organization of Living Systems 3.Interdependence of Organisms and the Environment 4.Structures and Properties of Matter 5.Motion, Forces, and Energy Grade 10 Grade Total Number of Items Met Standard 35/55 35/55 Commended Performance (Raw Score) 50/55 50/55 Field Test Items TOTAL ITEMS: 65
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency The Personal Graduation Plan The Personal Graduation Plan Identify educational goals for student Include diagnostic information, monitoring & intervention Include intensive instruction Provide innovative methods to promote student’s advancement Address participation of parent By Law, A High School Personal Graduation Plan Must…. TEC , SB 1108, 2003
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Study Guides are provided to students who do not meet the standard.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Executive Order RP53 Signed by the Governor of Texas on December 16, 2005-End of Course Tests The development of a series of voluntary end-of- course assessments in Science, Mathematics, and other subjects, currently assessed by the 11 th grade Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills, to measure student performance; For science this will include Biology, Chemistry and Physics
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Biology EOC Field Test Dates A field-testing window for Biology end-of-course exam has been added for April 23–May 11, Note that these mandatory field tests are planned to be administered online only during this three-week window to students enrolled in Biology courses at the time of field testing. planned to be administered online only during this three-week window to students enrolled in Biology courses at the time of field testing.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Secondary Educators Alert! July 13, 2006 (Thursday) is the Exit Level Science Retest Exit Level Science Retest It is important to make arrangements for all students who failed to meet the standard on the April 20 th Science TAKS. MARK THE DATE!
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Science Testing Calendar October 19, 2006 Exit-Level Retest February 22, 2007 Exit-Level Retest April (exact dates TBA) TAKS-Alt Field Test Window April 19, 2007 (Thurs.) Science Grades 5,8, 10, 11 April 23-May 11 Field-test window for Biology EOC. July 12 Exit Level Science Retest
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency TAKS-Modified (TAKS-M) The federal government has proposed regulations for 2% of the special education population that could be eligible to take an assessment that reduces the complexity of the grade-level content. Currently, assessment staff have modified the TAKS (minus the field test questions) grade 5 science, grade 5 reading, and grade 10 mathematics tests by reducing the number of answer choices, reducing complex language and vocabulary, etc.
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency TAKS-Alt Designed for 1% of studentsDesigned for 1% of students Performance-basedPerformance-based Administered by Life Skills teacherAdministered by Life Skills teacher Teacher records results on lineTeacher records results on line Authentic grade-level activities are adapted to provide appropriate instruction & assessment opportunity for students who are functioning at Levels 1-3Authentic grade-level activities are adapted to provide appropriate instruction & assessment opportunity for students who are functioning at Levels 1-3
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Get Ready for TSDS! TSDS Welcome to the Texas Mathematics and Science Diagnostic Systems
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency What is TSDS? TSDS Web-Based Diagnostic Assessment Tool Free to All Texas Public & Charter Schools Available in September 2006 Part of the TEA Science Initiative
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Example of class summary report teachers can create after administering a diagnostic to students. Report summarizes individual student performance by Science strand and aggregate class performance The Texas Science Portal And Diagnostic has been funded!
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency How Can I Use This Content? TSDS Student Skills Diagnosis at BOY & EOY Finding Knowledge Points of Departure Periodic Instructional Benchmarks Tests, Quizzes, Homework
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Where Are We In Development? TSDS Now – TSDS interface developed Now – TSDS items being written Now – TSDS tests being developed July – TSDS items reviewed Aug – TSDS district sign-up launches Sep – TSDS application launched!
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency How do we improve our science program? The Teacher is the Key: Experience Retention Professional Development The role of the Administrator is Vital…Policies are important: 1. Limit class sizes when possible 2. Provide needed equipment and resources 3. Set High Expectations for staff and students
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Secondary Student Performance vs. Teacher Profiles %Students completing High School %Students Passing TAKS % Teachers leaving %Teachers teaching outside their field <95%23.6%20.6%31.2% %33.8%20.0%28.6% %44.9%19.3%27.9% STUDENT PERFORMANCETEACHER PROFILES Source: Completion and TAKS data from TEA; AEIS ’02-’03; Teacher Data From State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC), AEIS ’02-’03 and ’03-’04
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Science: Using the Data for Instruction ISSUESQUESTIONS District scope and sequence (TAKS alignment, pacing) Is there a coherent scope and sequence for all students K-12? Are teachers following it? Are TAKS objectives being emphasized K-12? Vertical/horizontal articulation and planning Are the science TEKS taught to the depth and complexity required? Are the sciences integrated to allow for connected learning of TEKS? Are science teachers planning across grade levels, disciplines, and courses? Benchmark data How are we using benchmark data? Is the benchmark process effective? Resources and Laboratory/Field Requirements Are hands-on investigations and outdoor field experiences a regular part of the curriculum in science instruction? Is there adequate funding for materials and equipment to support hands-on laboratory science?
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Science: Using the Data for Diverse Learners ISSUESQUESTIONS LEP Students Are Limited English Proficient students receiving enough science instruction? Special Education Are special education students receiving intervention strategies to ensure learning? AP Courses Are AP courses aligned to TAKS? Gifted and Talented Program Are G/T students receiving differentiated instruction in science? Are G/T programs reflecting the diversity of your student enrollment? Science Instruction Are elementary students receiving K-5 science? Are middle school students receiving science instruction that scaffolds TAKS objectives? Are high school students enrolled in science at the 11 th and 12 th grade levels?
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Science: Using the Data for District Planning ISSUESQUESTIONS Staffing and hiring Are all Science teachers highly qualified and strategically assigned? Is there adequate science staff to ensure safe student enrollment numbers? Staff development Is a plan in place to meet staff development needs as indicated by the data? Is there a plan to meet staff development needs for reaching diverse learners in science? PlanningDo Science faculty participate in goal-setting committees at campus and district levels? PDAS indicators What does an effective Science unit look like? How is it represented in PDAS?
C. Comer 6/7/06 Texas Education Agency Safety and Facility Resources: Should be in every school library! Also available online:
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Secondary Science To Order: Vertical Alignment Chart for Secondary Science Grade 10 and Exit Level Grade 11 Has TAKS OBJECTIVES and TEKS Student Expectations that are assessed from grades 1-High School Physics Gives highlights from TAKS
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Teacher Professional Development through the Texas Regional Collaboratives: 32 Regional Collaboratives around the state Teacher Training and Mentoring Professional Development Academies: ContactYourESCOr Visit the TRCWebsite: Grades 6-8 Earth Science; Science Diagnostic Training Teacher Module Training in middle school EARTH SCIENCE, BIOLOGY, IPC, and PHYSICS
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Science List Serve: Please Join… Our way of “shouting out” to you when you are busy And something Important comes Up for science In Texas…
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency “We dedicate this new website—Our Schools, Our Stars—to the quiet successes our school community achieves everyday.” Shirley J. Neeley
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education Agency Who to Contact: Texas Education Agency: Chris Castillo-Comer Director of Science
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education AgencyResources TAKS Science Objectives TAKS SCIENCE revised INFORMATION BOOKLET (Educator Guides) 10.pdf 10.pdf 11e.pdf 11e.pdf TAKS Science Results: ks/index.html ks/index.html TAKS Released Tests, Online Tests, and item analysis: html html TAKS Study Guides: TAKS Scale Score Reports Resources on Graduation Requirements for Science:
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education AgencyResources Resources from organizations: Science Teachers Association of Texas Convention: Wichita Falls, TX; Nov ‘06 NCLB Teacher Toolkit NSTA National Science Convention: St. Louis, MO: Mar 29-Ap 1, 2007 National Association of Biology Teachers American Chemical Society American Association of Physics Teachers Texas Earth Science Teachers Association National Earth Science Teachers Association Texas Marine Educators Association
C.Comer 4/26/06Texas Education AgencyResources Resources for Certification Requirements and PD Provider Number Teacher Toolkit; Safety; Facilities; TEXTEAMS; Charles A. Dana Center Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science Teaching The TEKSLink Project Homework Hotline; UT homework service for TAKS AP, and college placement exams Science Teacher Toolbag