Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to inform you about the rules and policies that cover the course selection process for future eleventh grade students. The process can be confusing, so pay close attention, be quiet, and raise your hand if you have any questions. Schedules many times cannot be changed during the school year, so pay careful attention and be accurate with your selections!
Course Selection Books and Sheets Label your name on your course selection book. ALL course numbers are located in the book. Make a copy NOW of your selections on PAGE 5. Print your name legibly. Student number – same as lunch card number Phone Number – to contact you for conflicts Counselor - Mr. Samoyedny Parent or Guardian Signature
Credit Requirements for Graduation A minimum of 28 credits is required to graduate and earn a high school diploma! 4 credits of MATH 4 credits of SCIENCE 4 credits of SOCIAL STUDIES 4 credits of ENGLISH 2 credits of PHYSICAL EDUCATION/ 1 credit with HEALTH 3 credits of FOREIGN LANGUAGE
Honors & Advanced Placement Classes In order to qualify for Honors or Advanced Placement classes you need the following: A 93 or higher average in the corresponding class for honors A 95 or higher average for A. P. classes Or – “Advanced” on the PSSAs and A completed and signed HONORS AGREEMENT FORM.
English Current Schedule English II English III#103 ( Honors - #1031)
US History CurrentSchedule US History IUS History II - #203 ( Honors - #2031) AP U.S. History= # This is a year long course. All students must take the AP History exam at the end of the year. You must also use one of your electives for this class.
Math CurrentSchedule Algebra Concepts Algebra IK - #361 (Honors – 3611) Algebra IKPlane Geometry - #362 (Honors – 3621) Plane GeometryAlgebra IIK - #363 (Honors – 3631) Algebra IIKTrigonometry - #366 (Honors – 3661) Trigonometry Precalculus - #365 (Honors – 3651)
Science Current Schedule Biology IA Biology IB - #304 (Honors-3041) Chemistry IA - #310 Biology IB Chemistry IA - #310 (H. Chem IA ) Chemistry IB - #311 (H. Chem IB )
Foreign Language You should schedule yourself for the NEXT REGULARLY SEQUENCED foreign language course for which you are prepared. CurrentSchedule Spanish IISpanish III You may take the first year of a different language. You MUST have taken at least three years of language to be admissible to college.
Foreign Language Course NameCourse No. – Spanish II152Honors-1521 – Spanish III153Honors-1531 – French II122Honors-1221 – French III123Honors-1231 – Italian II142Honors-1421 – Italian III143Honors-1431 – German II132Honors-1321 – German III133Honors-1331
Physical Education/Elective(s) If you have met your PE/HEALTH graduation requirement, you may opt out of PE and select a different course. Most electives can be found on page 54. Be certain to select 3 elective alternatives on your course selection sheet. If you are in the gifted program, add this course below line #8. (GIFTED – COURSE # - 900)
Important Information Course selections will be entered into POWER SCHOOL beginning February 13. Make a copy NOW of your course selections on to page 5 of your course selection book. Share your selections with a parent or guardian. Make sure you fill in your student, phone, and course numbers correctly. Be certain to choose 3 alternative electives. Please arrange an appointment with me if you have individual questions.
Conclusion Thank you for your attention. Make a copy of your selections onto page 5. Hand in your course selection sheets to your counselor NOW. Good luck with planning your high school schedule for eleventh grade! Remember to ask questions – this is an important part of your education.