Academic Honesty In the Diploma Programme
Purpose of the session Raise awareness about AH Improve your understanding Help you to avoid unintentional academic dishonesty Ensure you understand the consequences Encourage you to be academically honest
Why is academic honesty important? learn from honest work be proud of honest work Honest work is rewarding You can judge your progress Honest work is fair to all learners in the learning community
Who is responsible …. for academic honesty?
You Are responsible for making sure you follow the principles of academic honesty and do not engage in any activity that might be considered academically dishonest.
Plagiarism occurs when someone Uses words, ideas, or work products attributable to another identifiable person or source without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained in a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship in order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain. (Fishman 2010)
Plagiarism and Collusion The most common forms of malpractice Carry the same penalty Are often not deliberate In the diploma whether the plagiarism and/or collusion is intentional is immaterial to the penalty. Collusion is plagiarism where the source is a co-learner.
Collusion and Collaboration A fine line…….? Where is the difference Collaboration = talking together, taking notes, planning sharing ideas Collusion = handing over your work (intentionally or otherwise!)
Other forms of Malpractice Cheating during exams Fabrication of data Auto-plagiarism Using a ghost writer Inappropriate help from a tutor Having access to unapproved devices Gaining unauthorized access to assessment items (including examination questions)
So why do students engage in malpractice? Poor organization (most commonly) Lack of skill, knowledge or understanding relating to the task Pressure to get good grades Laziness
Unintentional Malpractice Most cases of malpractice are unintentional. (80%) A friend copies your work You do not know how to cite sources You forget to provide references / bibliography You do not pay attention to instructions You do not engage with the teacher or with the task
Who is involved You Your Teacher Your parents Year head Diploma coordinator Principal
Teachers have a duty and the authority to investigate suspected malpractice and to impose appropriate sanctions This is good for you as it protects the value of your education.
The Year Head Investigates along with the teacher if necessary Attempts to establish intent Informs your parents Keeps a record (in your file) Applies the school policy ISD has an Academic Honesty Policy (Student / Parent Handbook, page 9 )
The DP coordinator Raises awareness Answers questions Helps clarify situations Applies DP guidelines Informs IB IB has an academic honesty policy also!
DP process / Student Coversheet not signed When malpractice is recognized in the school before the task coversheet is signed by the student, the case must be dealt with internally. This can involve rewriting part or all of the task under conditions determined by the teacher.
DP process / Student coversheet signed When malpractice is recognized in the school after the task coversheet is signed by the student, the case must be referred to IB. IB will request statements from the student, the teacher and the DP coordinator. IB will consider these statements and any other evidence supplied by the school and will communicate its decision to the school.
Appeal A student may request an appeal The IB decision can only be appealed on the grounds that: IB did not follow its own published procedures. Or New evidence can become available that was not submitted initially.
Learning, honestly Honesty and integrity underpin the Diploma programme Your work should demonstrate these qualities You should be proud of you work You won’t be if it is not your own!
Be an IB learner Learn independently Be a critical thinker Think creatively Be principled Have a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect
High stakes Worst case outcomes include loss of diploma, no grade in a subject, having to repeat an assignment record of malpractice in student file
How can I avoid all of this? Engage with your teacher Be sure you know what is expected Do not post your work on public websites or social media websites Do not share your work electronically Do not allow others to use your work Be proud of your work
Why do we do all of this? To protect you, the honest learner To protect the quality of your education Because we want to act ethically To protect the reputation of the school Because we believe in the learner profile Because we believe that honest learning is the only valuable kind of learning there is
Where can I read about AH ? Student parent handbook page 9 Digital citizenship agreement IB learner profile Partnership agreement