SPIRE Brokerage event October 22 nd 2013 Project Idea Presentation SPIRE 4 – 2013: SPIRE 4 – 2014: Methodologies, tools and indicators for cross- sectorial sustainability assessment of energy and resource efficient solutions in the process industry
Organizations ESTEP is the Steel Community's European Steel Technology Platform ArcelorMittal CSM ISQ IVL BFI SSSA ULG Tata Steel IRT M2P ... 2 THIS PROPOSAL IS PRESENTED BY ESTEP, ON BEHALF OF ITS MEMBERS ET AL; LISTED BELOW;
Concept (I) 3 Context Process industry as part of the solution for delivering growth that is smart, sustainable, and inclusive, (European Commission Europe 2020) Key words: Circular economy & Life Cycle Thinking Prevent waste production and promote reduce, reuse & recycle Sustainability assessment is a combination of different assessment methods and tools including environmental, economic and social aspects. Today, sustainability assessment tools (integrating the three pillars) providing decision making support are still in development Decisions are more or less still made on the basis of technique and economy. A holistic approach is needed to identify and select appropriate assessment methodologies and impact parameters and further develop and demonstrate in real industrial pilot case suitable macro and meso-indicators across sectors to meet the needs of a specific assessment (spire roadmap)
Concept (II) 4 End objective Develop consistent sustainability assessment methodologies and tools across sectors and along the value chains to improve resource and energy efficiency. customisation and sector-specific developments is possible Steps to be followed Understand what has been done so far in different sectors with the following requirements: - multiple sectors in the process industries (Metal production, energy production, mineral production, plastics, wood, …) ex: Sovamat Initiative, SAM Seminars, SATECH proposal, Prosuite, CENTC 350, Solvay, Spire Roadmap (KA 5.2), ESTEP SRA, etc. - across the whole value chain of industries - assessing environmental, economic and social impacts (triple bottlenecks) along the whole product life cycle with regards to energy and resource efficiency Define potential good solutions as well as gaps in the state of the art
Concept (III) 5 Steps to be followed (II) Identify opportunities as well as the bottlenecks towards further development and cross-sectorial replication/transfer of these approaches, How can good references be used elsewhere? Develop a participatory approach with a network of stakeholders (including NGOs, public authorities, final customers, etc…) Define the required steps to accelerate further uptake of resource and energy efficiency indicators over the value chains, and Produce recommendations as input for further research and development projects in the field of sustainability assessment but also on today’s most suitable tools for management and decision making Rq: Today, a CSA is not the right format. Still a lot of work needs to be achieved. Not clear the level of development we can afford!
Impact Identification of the research needs in this area to achieve a set of environmental, social and economic sustainability indicators suitable for the process industry. Identification of best practices over different sectors for environmental, social and economic sustainability indicators to facilitate cross-sectorial deployment. Identification across the different sectors of the process industry of a set of tools for management and decision making at research lab, plant, company, sector and multi-sectorial level of the process industry. 6
Project Consortium Expression of interest so far: AM: interested to develop further sustainability assessment tools (as defended in the Sovamat Initiative, in SATECH, or in SOVASTEEL european proposals) CSM: overview, scenario analysis and global modeling, selection and recommendation of most appropriate methodologies. ISQ: interested in the sustainability assessment of energy and resources IVL: interested to participate (see a european project proposed for the SAT call – SATECH – which was not accepted including customized process modeling for scenario analyses. BFI: interest (no specification) SSSA: implementation of algorithms and practical (also SW) tools for integrated sustainability evaluation jointly exploiting and combining different methodologies (e.g. KPIs, LCA) and ULG: environmental assessment, dissemination of results, social LCA and LCC Tata Steel: interested to develop further sustainability assessment tools; methodology for OEF (Organisational Environmental Footprint) IRT M2P: interested in providing expertise in LCA and MFA 7
Looking for partners… Other industries (mining, metals, wood, plastics, concrete, energy producers,...) NGOs, Public bodies, Standardisation bodies, Consumer association, etc. companies operating in data -lean environments Experts specialised in stakeholders engagement 8
Contact details Jean-Sébastien Thomas ArcelorMittal Global R&D 9
10 Detailed presentation of consortium partner ArcelorMittal Global R&D – Sustainability team ArcelorMittal is the largest steel producer in the world. Around 1300 people work in R&D worldwide in ArcelorMittal laboratories, offering a broad expertise in most technical fields related to the steel industry. The company holds leadership positions in its main markets: automotive, construction, household appliances and packaging as well as general industry. ArcelorMittal employs 280,000 people in over 60 countries. The company places its commitment to sustainable development at the heart of its strategy and ambitions to be a benchmark for economic performance, labour relations and social responsibility. A Sustainability research group pursues R&D in this area, in connection with climate change research (it is in charge of coordinating the series of European projects included in the ULCOS program, with LCA methodology development relative to materials, steel, steel-containing products and more (cf. the SOVAMAT initiative,