Catalyst Preview: Advisor Center and Degree Audit A Presentation by Alejo Delgado and Chad Wells
Degree Audit Improvements Degree Audit Reports will contain all of a student’s declared programs in one report (limited to programs in the same career) Audit course-lists are linked to the course catalog and schedule allowing for registration through the degree audit Catalyst audits have expanded text display options Exceptions created in DARS will be converted to Catalyst
New Degree Audits Audit encoders have encoded Catalyst audits from existing DARS audits –Encoders have maintained the course processing order previously seen in DARS audits –Encoders have attempted to maintain the display order of audit requirements when possible –Encoders have used share-sets to allow for course sharing when needed and to restrict sharing when necessary
Catalyst Degree Audit Report
Requirement Display Catalyst sub-requirements can be displayed with their own status and parameters. Multiple sub-requirements can be listed under a single requirement. Catalyst requirements are displayed with a blue banner and can be listed with a status and parameters that are unique to the requirement. Course-lists appear with an active link to information about the displayed courses including scheduling information. Status indicators clearly show when degree audit components have been satisfied or remain not- satisfied.
Side-by-Side Comparison
Completed Requirements Satisfied components of a degree audit report are suppressed and displayed with the “Satisfied” completion status.
Catalyst Advisor Center The Catalyst Advisor Center contains many existing advising tools in one convenient location Some examples of activities advisors can perform from the Catalyst Advisor Center include: –run degree audits; –view and create student notes; –view transfer credit reports; and –view service indicators, milestones, etc.
Catalyst Advisor Center The advisor center allows an advisor to quickly access an array of information through delivered tabs, links, and drop down menu options.
My Advisees The “my advisees” tab lists all of the students that you are associated with in the system. To see more info about a specific student, select “View Student Details”. To view all notes specific to a student, select the icon under the “Advising Notes” column. You can send an to a student by clicking his/her hyperlinked name as well as view a photo by clicking the icon. To see all of your notes, click “my advising notes”. Notifications are in-system communications. If you are meeting with a student who is not associated to you, click “View Data for Other Students” to search.
Student Center The “student center” tab contains many of the functions that students will be able to use in the system, but from the advisor viewpoint. Here you can view various items related to the student schedule: specific classes by term, weekly view, drop deadlines etc. You can also view service indicators, checklist item requirements (enhanced communication to students), milestones (can also be programmed in degree audit), assigned advisors and more. Other items of note in the Academics portion of this tab are: unofficial transcript, degree audit, advising notes, course history (UC and posted transfer / test credit combined) and grades term by term. Under the Personal Information area, a picture of the student, emergency contact info, birthdate and other demographic info can be found.
General Info The “general info” tab contains more in depth information related to service indicators, checklists, student groups and contact information. On the “student center” tab, only preferred information is displayed, whereas the “general info” tab will display additional phone numbers, addresses, etc. Only those areas that advisors have security access to update/change will be available to do so here. For example, advisors will be able to manager a service indicator specific to their department, but only view one that is from a different department.
Transfer Credit The “transfer credit” tab contains information on the 3 different types of ‘advanced standing’ that can be awarded: Course Credits, Test Credits and Other Credits. The “Transfer GPA” information will not be calculated here because that would require the system the include transfer units with units taken at UC across all areas of the system as delivered. All credits are posted as models. For example, if a student had attended two institutions prior to attending UC, he/she would have two models under Course Credits. Course Credits: These credits come from external institutions and is similar to “Transfer Advisor” in Universis. The model can be submitted, completed or posted status. Posted status is when the credit is applying to a student’s record. Test Credits: These credits are from tests such as AP, IB, CLEP etc. We also expect that scores will be able to be accessed from the page as well. Additionally, other exams that do not give credit will still display here with no credit awarded. Other Credits: These credits are for anything outside of an exam or transfer credit and will be posted manually. All of the above options will allow for specific information to be displayed by clicking on the “Detail” link for the desired model.
Academics The “academics” tab contains information on student programs, program history, term history, academic level, academic standing and more. “Edit program data” allows you to view the history of the program/plan stack that is selected as well as a student’s degree checkout status when it comes to that time. The “Institution/Career/Program” area displays active and completed program plans as well as the requirement term for each. Think of the requirement term as the program curriculum the student is on. For example, if a student is technically admitted into a program in Fall 2015 (2158) but is following the curriculum from Fall 2014 (2148) you will be able to see that here. “Edit term data” allows you to see if a student is term activated and to change the load limit that a student is able to take. Term by Term info can be found under the “Term Summary” area including coursework, GPA and transfer units.
Search The “search” tab contains the ability to search for classes for a specific term (i.e. the Onestop course search). You can also choose to view the course catalog of UC as a whole.
Advising Notes Note Category: College or department entering the note Note Subcategory: type of Interaction (must be tied to a specific category)
Status and Advisee Access Status: A note’s status can be set to “Open” or “Closed.” Once the note’s status has been set to “Closed” and the note has been saved, no changes can be made to the note. Only designated administrator(s) can re-open a note. These are filterable values within your advising notes view. Advisee Access: Advisee access can be set to “Yes” or “No.” If the access is set to “Yes,” the note and all of its contents, with the exception of Action Items, will appear in the student’s student center.
Note Item The Note Item is the text portion of the advising note. You can include images, various formatting styles, tables, hyperlinks etc. within the Note Item. Once the note is submitted, this Note Item will be saved. It cannot be edited from this view, but you can update the note with an additional Note Item if you would like. To edit anything that was previously written as a Note Item and saved, administrative access would be required.
Note Attachment By clicking the button on the left, you can see who created an attachment and when. You can also see who was the last person to update the attachment. If a note was made available to a student, it is possible for them to add an attachment of their own. Students cannot delete attachments you have added.
Additional Info This is a basic overview of the Catalyst advisor center and degree audit. Documentation for training will provide a more in depth exploration of the advisor center and its functionality. Furthermore, other areas of the system will house functions that we know advisors need to effectively complete job duties such as the association of advisors to students, viewing external courses and equivalency rules, viewing external education data etc.