Chuck Close Super-Realist to Formalist
Leslie 1974 Watercolor on paper 72.5” x 57” Does this look like a photograph?
Look close r. (Detail) Leslie
Does this look like a photograph? Fanny / Fingerpainting 1985 Oil on canvas 102” x 84”
Look close r. (Detail) Fanny It was painted using fingerprints. There is no white paint used.
Chuck Close in front of one of his paintings.
The rest of the story...
If you squint your eyes the left side looks as real as the right side. This method is how Chuck Close prepares for one of his paintings. Drawing for Phil 1976
Self-Portrait 1991 Oil on Canvas 100” x 84” If you squint your eyes this looks like a photograph.
Look close r.
Marquette for Roy (Polaroid Photograph 20” x 24” with grid) 1993
(Detail) Roy II 1994
Eric (in progress) 1990 Oil on Canvas 100” x 84” How it’s done...
Chuck Close at work in his studio on a painting of Elizabeth.
Elizabeth 1989 Oil on Canvas 72” x 60”
Other Realist Artists Jacques-Louis David Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres John Singleton Copley Richard Estes Robert Cottingham Audrey Flack Janet Fish
Jacques-Louis David The Anger of Achilles, 1819
Portrait of Monsieur DeVillers 1840 Jean-Auguste Dominque Ingres
The Contesse D’ Haussonville 1845 Jean-Auguste Dominque Ingres
Francois-Marius Garnet 1807 Jean-Auguste Dominque Ingres
Sir William Pepperrell and His Family, 1778 John Singleton Copley
Henry Pelham (Boy with A Squirrel) 1765 John Singleton Copley
Richard Estes Parking Lot
Richard Estes Urban Landscape Series
KURTZ Robert Cottingham
ME Robert Cottingham
Marilyn Audrey Flack
Green Tea Cup Janet Fish