The Region’s High Schools Bob Sanborn, Ed.D.
Academic Outcomes
Data Source: Texas Education Agency (Information Request)
Data Source: Texas Education Agency (Information Request), Analysis
Data Source: OECD Percentage of Adults Aged with at Least Upper Secondary Education, by Country, 2008
Student Health & Wellness
Education and Health The Link Between Education & Health Higher levels of parents’ education Healthier behaviors by parents Good role models Better jobs and increased income Better housing, safer neighborhoods, more physical activity & better nutrition More resources for childcare, transportation & health insurance Less stress, better access to health care Impact of parents’ education on child health* *Adapted from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2008
Education and Health EDUCATION < 1212 YearsCollege> 16 or Years YearsMore Years Morbidity & Mortality Morbidity & Mortality vs. Education
Data Source: Texas Department of Agriculture, Analysis On an average school day in 2011, 594,059 eligible students in the Houston region did not receive a free or reduced-price breakfast.
Policy Solutions
Effective Teachers More Time in Class Small, Rigorous, and Theme-Based Learning Communities School Leadership Data-Informed Decision Making
Questions? Bob Sanborn, Ed.D. President & CEO, CHILDREN AT