PROGRESS REVIEW POLANNARUWA Presented By: Eng. Vijayabalan, J. Engineer (RWS) Mannar/Vavuniya Prepared By: Rural Water and Sanitation Unit, Mannar (Murunkan)
TARGET GROUPCOMMUNITYSCHOOL # of programmes (themes) identified05
ISSUES (FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST) FINDINGSRECOMMENDATION Removal of large trees at the project sites or access roads to site There may be some number of trees has to be removed while laying the pipes New plantation at the same village may require Unsatisfactory raw water quality (excessive pathogens or mineral constituents) It is found in the test report that considerable quality issues are there Water treatment may require Possible future contamination due to inadequate protection of intake wells and upstream pollution (wastewater discharge from communities, industries and agricultural activities) At present no very large industry development in that area, But the water source in paddy field area so chemicals and fertilizer may contaminate the water in future Keep the intake area clean, check the water quality time to time regarding chemicals and fertilizer Noticeable permanent or seasonal reduction in volume of ground or surface water supply (consider cumulative impact) It is noticeable that there are ground water reduction may occur in dry season Our water source (deep well) in the second water table so no problem Over pumping of groundwater, leading to salinization and ground subsidence There may be over pumpingConsumption rate should be within yield Increased levels of noise and dustduring the construction, there may be noises from the machineries, and possibilities for dust too As it is small level construction, noise and dust are minimal
ISSUES (FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST) FINDINGSRECOMMENDATION Increased accidents and public safety issues due to construction work, material and machinery There may be some kind of incident due to open trenches Proper safety arrangements has to be done in the construction areas Delivery of unsafe water due to poor O&M treatment and lack of WQ Monitoring If the project has a treatment plant, then the CBO (WUA) may not be able to maintain properly in the long run There should be some kind of arrangements for proper training periodical monitoring by RWS
ISSUES (FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST) FINDINGSRECOMMENDATION Removal of large trees at the project sites or access roads to site There may be some number of trees has to be removed while laying the pipes New plantation at the same village may require Unsatisfactory raw water quality (excessive pathogens or mineral constituents) It is found in the test report that considerable quality issues are there Water treatment may require Possible future contamination due to inadequate protection of intake wells and upstream pollution (wastewater discharge from communities, industries and agricultural activities) At present no very large industry development in that area, but there is no proper drainage system, so the excess Rain water may get in to the intake well by over flowing and may not fully filtered water. Keep the intake area clean, check the water quality time to time regarding Noticeable permanent or seasonal reduction in volume of ground or surface water supply (consider cumulative impact) It is noticeable that there are ground water reduction may occur in dry season Over pumping of groundwater, leading to salinization and ground subsidence Over pumping can cause severe see water intrusion as it is close to see Consumption rate should be within yield Increased levels of noise and dustduring the construction, there may be noises from the machineries, and possibilities for dust too As it is small level construction, noise and dust are minimal
ISSUES (FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CHECK LIST) FINDINGSRECOMMENDATION Increased accidents and public safety issues due to construction work, material and machinery There may be some kind of incident due to open trenches Proper safety arrangements has to be done in the construction areas Delivery of unsafe water due to poor O&M treatment and lack of WQ Monitoring If the project has a treatment plant, then the CBO (WUA) may not be able to maintain properly in the long run There should be some kind of arrangements for proper training periodical monitoring by RWS
HYGIENE PROGRAMME - Conducting Hygiene Awareness Programmes on selected themes SANITATION PROGRAMME Construction of Latrines WATER SUPPLY Clarify legal rights to use water source/Towers/ Treatment plant Preparation of feasibility reports Obtain permission for grid electricity, where necessary TRAINING TOT for Accounting & Financial Management Conducting Training Programme on Accounting & Financial Management to WUA
Prepared By: Rural Water and Sanitation Unit, Mannar (Murunkan)