General Edward Braddock n English General sent to remove the French from Fort Duquesne in 1755 n Doesn’t have a clue about how to fight in wilderness and will be killed with his army
Braddock’s Expedition n In 1755 British army under General Edward Braddock is sent to fight the French after Washington’s defeat n English way of fighting involves lining men in a linear formation and then shooting the other army n Braddock will lose almost 1,300 men to an ambush
Braddock’s Expedition
George Washington n Ambitious colonist who takes a commission as a British officer n Blamed for starting the war n Learns about warfare from watching English strengths and weaknesses
The Battle of Louisburg n Fought for three weeks in June Over the St. Lawrence River, it is a supply line for the French army. n The British capture it and use to attack the French in the region
The Battle of Quebec n British forces surround the majority of the French army at Quebec n French army uses location of fort as a defensive position because it is protected by water on two sides and a sheer cliff on a third n General Wolfe has the army scale the cliff to surprise the French
The Battle of Quebec n French and British commanders gamble and face each other off n The armies meet in brutal 30 minute battle that destroys French hopes for victory in North America
Marquis de Montcalm n French general who built forts in key positions within Canada and the Ohio valley n Wins many battles but is killed at Quebec
The Treaty of Paris, 1763 n The Treaty ends the war and removes the French from North America n The British now have the territory up to the Mississippi River and all of Canada n Colonists will now seek to move past the Appalachian Mountains
The Proclamation of 1763 n The Proclamation of 1763 was to prevent colonists from settling past the Appalachian Mountains n The British had also made a deal with the Indians to not move into the Ohio Valley
The War’s Impact on America n The English will now want to control the colonies to avoid more wars and to collect taxes from the colonists –The English will place more soldiers in the colonies and pass taxes –The colonies were never respected by the England in terms of finical and military help
The War’s Impact on America n France’s removal from North America will now open the continent for further expansion by the colonists –The colonist want to expand past the Appalachian Mountains –The colonies can now go back to business as usual (well, so they think)
The War’s Impact on America n The Indians will no longer be a force to be reckoned with –Indian tribes that sided with France will be treated even worse by England and colonist –Indian lands will now be sought by colonists