Chapter 4: The Colonies Grow Section 4: The French and Indian War
The British Take Action The British knew that the French were building forts in the Ohio River Valley and the Great Lakes Region– this paired with their alliance with The Native Americans made the colonists and British wary.
Braddock Marches to Duquesne In order to drive French forces out, General Edward Braddock is appointed commander in chief of the British Forces. In June 1755, Braddock marches his men toward Fort Duquesne, it takes several weeks. George Washington warns him that the British style of fighting will not work well. The French ambush the British, causing a huge panic and retreat. This was a bitter defeat for the British. Complete Geography Skills 1 and 2 (on page 123) in your notes. 1. southwest 2. because of its location in the Allegheny/Ohio River Valley
Britain declares war on France The fighting in America led to the start of the Seven Years War in Europe. The British declared war on France in 1756 after arranging an alliance with Prussia. The war was brutal on the colonists, in addition to capturing British forts, attacks were made on settlers and their property by the Native Americans.
Pitt takes Charge Things changed when Prime Minister William Pitt was put in charge of the war for Britain. Pitt decided that (no matter what) Great Britain would pay for all supplies needed in the war. Because of this, Great Britain incurred an enormous debt. After the war, the British raised taxes on the colonists to cover the war spending. In reality, Pitt had only delayed the colonists paying for the cost of the war. Pitt wanted more than to have a clear path to the West, he also wanted to conquer French Canada. In 1758, a series of attacks captured many French forts, including Fort Duquesne which was renamed Fort Pitt.
The Fall of New France 1759 brought British victories in the West Indies, Cuba and eventually French Canada at the Plains of Abraham outside Quebec. In the Treaty of Paris, France lost their power in the New World. Their lands were divided between Great Britain and Spain. Although the Native Americans continued to trade with Britain, they still considered them enemies.