Battle of Ypres Keara Haack, Nicole McHugh, Megan Sakamoto, Bryan Song, Timothy Tran Nicole McHugh If anyone wants to add in or correct something, please do so before January 16 5:00 am. I will send this to Doran after that time.
Thesis Although the allies prevailed in the end, the Campaign of Ypres serves as a grim reminder of the futility and high cost of the war to come; as thousands Allies and Central men died for around 900 square feet of land.
General Information ●Ypres, Belgium ●Began at the Race to the Sea after British defeat of Germany in the battle of the first Marne ●British troops entered Ypres in October, 1914 and were unaware of the size of the German force advancing on the town ●use of weapons of mass destruction(chlorine gas,flamethrowers, mustard gas/”leperiet”) ●High civilian casualties ●Adolf Hitler won Iron Cross at Wijtscate ten miles south of Ypres ●Over 1,700,000 casualties. Not including Civilians. ●Germany wanted a foothold with which they could flank the British.
Key Battles Battle of Langemarck: Young, inexperienced but larger german force engage British forces. British forces prevail Germans killed, 600 taken prisoner. Weather conditions brought battle to a halt. Once they improved, the Germans prepared a new attack using chlorine gas against French troops causing them to panic and flee. Battle for Hill 60: Hill 60 gave forces a perfect view of Ypres. Germans controlled hill first but was pushed out by exploding French mines. British took hill but were driven out by German gas attack. Germans eventually lost control for good in Battle for Mesen: Germany controlled hills around Mensen, South of Ypres. Allies ordered attack on hills for morale boost. Tunnels were dug under German explosives and detonated. Australian and New Zealand troops took the hills and Mensen Ridge easily.
Bibliography WarIsite/battleofypres.htm fields.html