Academic Dimensions
Fabulous 40
Presentation outline 1. Thematic Areas 2. Instructional Methodologies 3. Course Content, and 4. Pedagogical Learning
1. Thematic Areas Educational leadership as a keystone of civil society Ethical decision making and advocacy for change Best practice and innovations in science education, incorporating environmental models Strategies for the effective delivery of environmental literacy in English Explore strategic planning initiatives to expand alumni outreach and engagement
2. Instructional Methodologies Classroom Based Sessions Discussion Individual/Group work Presentation Hands-on-task Reflection Questioning Role play
Fab.40 in Classroom
2. Instructional Methodologies Field trip Environmental education walking tour-NH sewerage system Visit to watersheds e.g. Baker river, Pemi river, squame lake School visit Visit to Science museum Visit to historical places/sites White mountain national forest
CPs Engaged in Field
2. Instructional Methodologies Laboratory work MAP development in computer lab Testing of water samples in chemistry labs Analysis of water nutrients
2. Instructional Methodologies Home Task Reflection writing Readings MAP development
2. Instructional Methodologies Interaction Informal interaction with E/L school students in Mary Lyon Hall Interaction with community guests
3. Content Language immersion models-ESOL issues and solutions Arts in education institute Wordless books presentation
3. Content Educational leadership Constructivism and learning Critical thinking Ethical principles Peace education Impact of challenging times on individual and systems The role of leaders in supporting children and schools in changing times Advocacy and role of educational leaders Change process and role of educational leaders in facilitating change
3. Content Environmental theme : Introduction to watersheds and water quality Primary nutrients in natural water Water management: drinking and waste water Discover your watersheds address International water issues Master Action Plan development; what, why, how Learning technology US culture Sharing Observation
4. Pedagogical Learning Balance between depth and breadth of the programme Addressing diverse needs How different stakeholders contribute in education development (integrated approach) Appreciation for culture of others Making programs focusing real life issues Respect of others culture, values
Cultural Exchange (July 4-July 31,2010)
First Impression WARM WELCOME Program Director Ms. Blakeman Allen and her team members Introduction of group and the program team Friendly attitude Well Managed/Organized Concerned about Safety Measures Quality Services(orientations, clear instructions, Guide)
HONOR Flag ceremony Invited the group in their musical program and acknowledged the presence of Pakistani educationists Invitations extended by Ms. Blake Allen, Dr. Salman Malik and other faculty Interaction with the Local Community/University Students Meeting with State Department Officials
Fruitful Visits Harvard University Boston Visit of university and New Hampshire town Washington D.C, Whitehouse, museums Aquarium at Boston Voice of America Embassy of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Duck-Tour
Critical Lessons Change in Perceptions, Attitudes and Behavor Cross Cultural Learning Broadening Horizons Promoting Tolerance and Harmony Holistic Learning Diversity is our strength
Julie & Sara Learn Pakistani Dancing
Americans love Pakistani Dress!
Classical Music Concert
The Boston Duck Tour
Trip to Washington
Conference at the State Department
Meeting at US State Department
Visit to the US State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
The Pakistani Flag!
Thank You
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