NACAA Conference Penn State Coop. Extension July 17, 2007 Jon Laughner
2 Agenda What is it? Curriculum Marketing Objectives Marketing Plan Test Drive!
3 What is it! Community Needs? Personal Leadership Skills Group and Organizational Leadership Community Leadership Skills Leadership Training Program Comprehensive Multi-session
4 Curriculum Unit l – Personal Leadership Skills –3 Modules 1. The Leader Within You 2. Values and Ethics 3. Understanding Your Leadership Style Unit ll – Interpersonal Leadership Skills –3 Modules 1. Communications Basics 2. Facilitation 3. Managing Conflict
5 Curriculum continued Unit lll – Group/Organizational Leadership Skills –3 Modules 1. Productive Groups 2. Effective Meetings 3. Group Decisions Unit lV – Community/Public Policy Leadership Skills –4 Modules 1. Dealing with Change 2. Public Issues 3. Understanding Pennsylvania Local Government 4. Active Leadership
6 Curriculum continued Student Guide Facilitator Guide Agenda Topic and Objectives Activities Power Point Presentation Evaluation
7 Marketing Objectives Potential leader base increase Increase CE visibility Initiate and maintain new corporate partnerships
8 Marketing Plan (Or, how we did it!) Promotion to CE Educators Promotion to Potential End Users Network Reposition
9 Fees 7-13 modules $200 - $500 per participant 1-7 modules $30 per module per participant
10 Test Drive!
11 Resources LTLT Sharepoint site
12 Thank You!