How Often Do You Go to the Movies? Let’s Get Ready Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Theme Words Grammar Focus Work On It Listen Up Activity Pronunciation More To.


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Presentation transcript:

How Often Do You Go to the Movies? Let’s Get Ready Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Theme Words Grammar Focus Work On It Listen Up Activity Pronunciation More To DoReading Comprehension Lesson 6

Let’s Get Ready Look and match: Do you often go to the zoo? No, I seldom go to the zoo. often usually seldom never sometimes always A A zoo library park department store supermarket bookstore

Dialogue 1 (After school) Tony: How often do you go to the movies? Harry: Not very often. About three times a month. How about you? Tony: Three times a month? That’s a lot. I seldom go to the movies. I usually watch DVDs at home. Harry: Oh, Tony. It’s very different in the theater. 中譯 單字解說 重點講解

Dialogue 1 Tony: I know. But the tickets are expensive. Harry: Fantastic 4 is playing now. Come with me tonight. My treat! Tony: How about my homework then? Harry: You can do your homework after the movie. Tony: All right. Just this time. 中譯 單字解說 重點講解 Quiz play (v.) 播映

Dialogue 1 (中譯) (放學之後) Tony :你多久去看一次電影? Harry :不常去。大約一個月三 次。那你呢? Tony :一個月三次?很常去耶。 我很少去看電影。我通常 在家看 DVD 。 Harry :喔, Tony 。在電影院看 的氣氛不一樣。 英文

Dialogue 1 (中譯) Tony :我知道。但是電影票很 貴。 Harry :驚奇四超人現在正在上 映。今晚跟我去看吧。 我請客! Tony :那我的功課怎麼辦? Harry :你可以看完電影後做功 課。 Tony :好吧。就只有這一次。 英文

重點講解 (對話篇 1 ) 1. How often 問頻率,表示「多久一次」。 How often do you go to the zoo? 2. go to the movies = see the movies = watch the movies ,表示「看電影」。 3. not very often 這裡指 I don’t go to the movies very often. 。 4. three times a month “ 次數+時間 ” 表示「一個月三次」。 May goes to the bookstore three times a month. 5. How about you? 也可以說成 What about you? 來詢問對方情況。 6. It’s very different in the theater. 此處表示在電影院看電影跟在家看 DVD 感覺不同。 Dialogue 1

7. Fantastic 4 is playing now. = Fantastic 4 is on now. (驚奇四超人正在上映。) 8. My treat. 表「我請客。」,為 It’s my treat. 的簡略用語。而類似的 說法有 It’s on me. / Be my guest. 或 It’s my shout. / My shout. (澳洲口語) / I’m buying. / I’ll take care of this. 都是「我 來付賬」的意思。 treat 也可以當動詞「對待」。 Don’t treat me as a kid. 重點講解 (對話篇 1 ) Dialogue 1

1. Tony 有空時常去看電影。 Tony _______ goes to the ________ when he is _______. 2. 我不常去圖書館。 I _________ go to the library. 3. 你多久去一次公園 ? _______ _______ do you go to the park? 4. 我請客。 _______________________________________ 5. 就只有這一次。 _______________________________________ Quiz (對話篇 1 ) oftenmovie free seldom Howoften My treat. Just this time. Dialogue 1

(At the theater) Harry: How about some popcorn? Tony: No. Thanks. I never eat popcorn. I just want a Coke. Harry: No problem. But we have to hurry. The movie always begins on time. Dialogue 2 中譯 單字解說 重點講解 on time (adv. phr.) 準時

(During the movie) Harry: How do you like the movie? Tony: I like the actress very much. She’s attractive. Harry: What about the actors? Tony: They’re strange. Harry: Oh, Tony. You just don’t understand. The people around them: Shh.... Be quiet. Dialogue 2 中譯 單字解說 重點講解 Quiz True or False around (prep.) 在 … 附近;旁邊

Dialogue 2 (中譯) 英文 (在電影院) Harry :要來一些爆米花嗎? Tony :不。謝謝。我從來不吃爆米 花。我只要可樂。 Harry :沒問題。但是我們要快一點。 電影馬上就要開始了。

Dialogue 2 (中譯) 英文 (在電影觀賞中) Harry :你認為這部電影如何啊? Tony :我非常喜歡女主角。她很 有吸引力。 Harry :那其他演員呢? Tony :他們很奇怪。 Harry :喔, Tony 。你不了解啦。 其他觀眾:噓 … 。安靜點。

CD 內容: 1. Harry goes to the movies three times a month. 2. Tony doesn’t go to the movies with Harry. 3. Tony never eats popcorn. 4. Tony doesn’t like the actress. True or False   Dialogue Dialogue 2

1. How about some popcorn? = What about some popcorn? 表詢問他人是否要品嘗某物的說法。 2. No problem. 表肯定的回答,相當於 Of course. / You bet. / Sure. 。 3. have (has) to +動詞原形 表示「必須」。 Students have to study hard. 4. 人 be on time. 但是若是物當主詞時,則用 “ 物 begins on time. ” ,表示某物準時 開始。 5. on time 表「準時」,而 in time 表「及時」。 Tina is always on time. She is never late for school. 重點講解 (對話篇 2 ) Dialogue 2

6. very much = a lot ,表「非常」。 Bob likes dogs very much. 重點講解 (對話篇 2 ) Dialogue 2

1. 要一些茶嗎? _______ about ________ tea? 2. 電影總是準時開始。 The movies always begins ______ _______. 3. 你認為這部電影如何? _______ do you ______ the movie? 4. 安靜點。 ____________________________________ 5. 她很有吸引力。 ____________________________________ Howsome ontime How Be quiet. like She is attractive. Quiz (對話篇 2 ) Dialogue 2

Theme Words Look and say. A collect cards surf the Internetgo to the concert listen to music go to the bookstoreplay sports 單字解說

1. Ken likes movies. He ___________ DVDs. 2. Mary usually goes to the ____________ and reads books. 3. John often __________ the ___________ after school. 4. Tracy goes to the ___________ on Sunday. Look and write. B concert collects bookstore surfs Internet Theme Words

Reading Students Do Different Things on Holidays Students do different things on holidays. For example, Sally often surfs the Internet. Nora often goes to the department store and sometimes goes to a concert. Eric likes movies. He goes to the movies with his friends once or twice a week. Tony is usually at home. He likes reading. What do you usually do on holidays? 中譯 單字解說 重點講解 Quiz

Reading Comprehension True or False 1. Sally often surfs the Internet on holidays. 2. Eric goes to the library once a week. 3. Tony likes reading on holidays. TFTTFF Reading

Reading (中譯) 學生在假日做不同的事 學生在假日做不同的事。例如, Sally 經常上 網。 Nora 經常去百貨公司以及有時候去音樂會。 Eric 喜歡電影。他和他的朋友一星期去看一次或 二次的電影。 Tony 通常在家。他喜歡閱讀。你喜 歡在假日做什麼呢? 英文

重點講解 (閱讀) 1. Students do different things on holidays. 特定的時間前面要用 on ,而對於較長的假期可用 at 或 during 。 What do you usually do at Christmas / the Chinese New Year holidays? 2. surf the Internet = get / log on the Internet / Net ,表示「上網」。 3. He likes reading. = He likes to read. (他喜歡閱讀。) Reading

1. 學生在假日時做不同的事。 Students do _________ things _______ holidays. 2. Sally 常上網。 Sally often _________ the __________. 3. 你週末都做些什麼事呢 ? _______ do you _______ on the weekend. 4. Nora _____ to a concert. (A) sometimes goes (B) goes sometime (C) sometimes 5. Sue goes to the movie with her friends _____. (A) one week (B) twice a week (C) three time a week Quiz (閱讀) different on surfs Internet What do A B Reading

Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A Iam always / usually / often / sometimes / seldom / never late for a movie. We / You They are He / Sheis I We You They always usually often sometimes seldom never go to a movieon Mondays. Fridays. weekends. goes He She

Rewrite the sentences. Peter is happy in school. (always) Peter is always happy in school. The students are early for class. (usually) _____________________________________________________ Example  The students are usually early for class.  Peter sleeps in class. (never) _____________________________________________________ Peter never sleeps in class. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern A  The students are early for class. (usually) _____________________________________________________  My sister is hungry in the afternoon. (often) _____________________________________________________ Mr. Wang seldom eats fries. My sister is often hungry in the afternoon.

How often doyou walk to school? doeshe Iwalk to school once three times a week. a month. Hewalks to school Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B

Ask and answer the questions.  Example you / three times / week Q: How often do you go to the library? A: I go to the library three times a week. once / week Q: ________ often __________ Jenny go to the movies? A: She __________ to the movies ___________ a week. doesHow goes once Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B

  once / month Q: _________ often _______ Mike play basketball? A: He ________ basketball once _____ month. David / once / day Q: ____________________________ A: ____________________________ doesHow plays a How often does David cook? He cooks once a day. Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B

 Tina / twice / week Q: ____________________________________ A: ____________________________________ She goes to the bookstore twice a week. How often does Tina go to the bookstore? Grammar Focus Sentence Pattern B

Work On It Choose the correct answers. Wendy: It’s Friday. Linda: Yes. 1 you have math class tonight? Wendy: No, I don’t. What’s up? Linda: There is a concert in the theater. 2 you coming with me? Wendy: Sure. Let’s 3 to the concert together. (During the concert) Linda: 4 you like the concert? Wendy: Yes. It’s great. The 5 are good. Linda: You’re right. And 6 do you go to a concert? Wendy: Once a month. And you? Linda: About twice a month. I’m not good 7 singing, but I like music. Wendy: Really? 8 we can go to a concert together more often. Linda: No problem.

Work On It Choose the correct answers. ____ 1. (A) Are (B) Do (C) Can 2. (A) Is (B) Are (C) Has 3. (A) go (B) going (C) goes 4. (A) Are (B) Do (C) Can 5. (A) nurses (B) singers (C) doctors 6. (A) how many (B) how old (C) how often 7. (A) at (B) for (C) about 8. (A) Not yet (B) But (C) Then C A B B B B C A

Listen Up Listen and match. A 聽力內容 (A) (B)(C) (A) (B)(C) (A) (B)(C) (A) (B)(C) (A) (B)(C)

(A) It’s great. (B) You’re right. (C) I’m OK. (A) It’s late now. (B) I’m fine now. (C) You’re right. Listen and choose. B 1 (A) I like baseball cards. (B) No. And you? (C) I drink a lot of water. B Listen Up 聽力內容 (A) Yes. I want them. (B) A sandwich, please. (C) It’s great. 3 C 5 C 2 A (A) They’re nice. (B) I have good holidays. (C) I listen to music. 4 C

Pronunciation Listen and repeat. A ng / G / ng / Gk / long sing song link thank think

Listen and choose. B 12 / - IG / / - IGk / Pronunciation 1. wing 2. pink

Listen and practice. 1.The king is singing an English song. 2. Frank was in the bank near the riverbank. C Bank Pronunciation

D Stress 1.`N + N `movie star `ice cream de`partment store 2. Adj. + `N new `teacher nice ho`tel large `Coke Pronunciation

Activity Ask your classmates and make a list. A NameActivity Frequency ( 頻率) Sally watch TV often Tony : I often surf the Internet. How about you? Sally : I often watch TV. surf the Internet go to a concert go to the zoo play the guitar

Read and answer the questions. B Mike: Do you listen to classical music? Judy: Yes. And I can play the violin. Mike: How often do you play? Judy: Once a week. And you? Mike: I’m not good at music, but I often go to the concert. 1. Does Judy listen to classical music? 2. How often does Judy play the violin? 3. Who isn’t good at music? Activity

More To Do (Optional)‏ Look and say. A

convenience store / once a day A: How often do you go to the convenience store? B: _______________________________________ Q & A B More To Do (Optional)‏

Listen Up 聽力內容 A. Listen and check. 1.Where does Ivy often go on weekends? (A) She often goes to the bookstore. (B) She never goes to the supermarket. (C) She’s in the department store. 2. What does Jill have? (A) She has two rabbits. (B) She has two hamburgers. (C) She has two movie tickets. 3. What are they doing? (A) They’re reading the newspaper. (B) They’re talking about a movie. (C) They’re making dinner. Listen Up A

Listen Up 聽力內容 Listen Up A 4. How often do you go to the movies? (A) The movies are nice. (B) I often go there.. (C) Once a week. 5. What animal do you like? (A) It’s a dog. (B) Dogs. And you?. (C) The dog is very cute.

Listen Up 聽力內容 Listen Up B B. Listen and choose. 1. Do you go to the supermarket often? 2. How’s the concert? 3. How about some ice cream? 4. What do you usually do on holidays? 5. Tina is very attractive

Words- Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 1. often (adv.) 常常 I often watch TV on the weekend. 2. after (adv.) 在 … 之後 Tom goes to Harry’s house after school. 3. a lot (adj.) 很多(= much ) Jim: This present is for you. Happy birthday! Jill: Thanks a lot! 4. seldom (adv.) 很少 Edwin seldom goes to the department store. 5. usually (adv.) 通常 Austin usually goes to the bookstore on Sunday. 6. theater (n.) 電影院 Tony is watching a movie in the theater.

Words- Dialogue 1 Dialogue 1 7. ticket (n.) 票;罰單 There are three movie tickets here. 8. expensive (adj.) 昂貴的 The cellphone is NT$10,000. It’s expensive. 9. Fantanstic 4 (n.) (電影名)驚奇四超人 The movie Fantanstic 4 is playing at the theater. 10. my treat (phr.) 我請客 Let’s eat at the restaurant. My treat.

Words- Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 1. never (adv.) 從不 She never goes to the movies. 2. eat (v.) 吃 He eats hamburgers every weekend. 3. hurry (v.) 匆忙 We have to hurry. We are late for school. 4. always (adv.) 總是 He always plays basketball after school. 5. begin (v.) 開始 It begins to rain.

Words- Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 6. during (prep.) 在 … 期間 They are eating popcorn during the movie. 7. actress (n.) 女演員 The actress in the movie is also a singer. 8. attractive (adj.) 吸引人的 Mary is an attractive girl. 9. strange (adj.) 奇怪的 Tom only drinks juice for dinner. That’s strange. 10. understand (v.) 了解 The math problem is hard. Joe can’t understand. 11. people (n.) 人(們) There are four people in my family. There are many peoples in the world.

Words- Theme Words Theme Words 1. surf (v.) 瀏覽 You can surf the Internet for your English homework. 2. Internet (n.) 網際網路 Coco always surfs the Internet after school. 3. concert (n.) 音樂會;演奏會 There is a concert in the park tonight. 4. collect (v.) 收集 Do you collect anything? 5. bookstore (n.) 書店 Is there any bookstore near here?

Words- Reading Reading 1. holiday (n.) 假日 What’s your favorite holiday? 2. for example (prep. phr.) 例如 Robert is good at sports. For example, he plays basketball well. 3. department store (n.) 百貨公司 There is a department store over there. 4. sometimes (adv.) 有時候 Kelly sometimes goes to the concert with her family. 5. once (adv.) 一次 I go to the supermarket once a week. 6. twice (adv.) 兩次 Tom goes to the movies twice a year.