GETTING STARTED SECTION 1 PERSONAL PREPARATION A. Six Principles of Personal Preparation for Bible Study 1. Believe in Jesus Christ 2. Accept that the Bible is Divinely Inspired 3. Pray 4. Study Diligently and Have Patience 5. Consistently Confess your Sins 6. Be willing to Live God’s will
Five Benefits of Personal Bible Study from God’s Word 1. Greater Faith 2. New Knowledge 3. Purification of Our Life 4. Power in Ministry 5. Equipment for Service
Section 2 The Bible A. What is the Bible? 1. The Written Word of God 2. The Inspired Word of God 3. The Revelation of the Living Word of God
B. Organization of the Bible 1. The Two Major Divisions Old Testament New Testament 2. The Five Divisions of the Old Testament A. The Law B. Historical Books C. Poetical Books D. Major Prophets E. Minor Prophets
Organization of the Bible 3. The Three Divisions of the New Testament. A. The Five Historical Books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts) B. 21 Letters/Epistles (Romans to Jude) C. 1 Prophecy - Revelation.
SECTION 3 A Historical Overview A. Description of the Events 1. Creation 2. Satan’s Rebellion 3. Earth and Sun 4. The First and Last Adam 5. Man’s Battle with Satan 6. All of Mankind Judged 7. Babylon 8. Israel 9. The Advents of Jesus Christ 10. Opposing Ministries 11. The Church
B. Summary When we analyze the sequence of the events just described, we see a marvelous, symmetrical pattern emerge. It is unfolding and then the folding up of human history.
SECTION 4 A Chronological Overview A. 10 Major Events and their Dates 1. The Fall of Adam3958 B.C. 2. The Flood of Noah2302 B.C. 3. The Promise to Abraham1875 B.C. 4. The Exodus of Israel1445 B.C. 5. The Fourth Year of Solomon965 B.C. 6. The Fall of the Northern Kingdom721 B.C. 7. The fall of the Southern Kingdom586 B.C. 8. The Birth of Jesus Christ1 B.C. 9. The Death, Burial & Resurrection of Jesus Christ A.D The Last Book of the BibleA.D. 96
B. Chronology of Old Testament 1. Adam to Flood – (3898 – 2242 BC) Gen Flood to Abrahamic Covenant (2242 – 1875 BC) Genesis (6-12). 3.Abrahamic Covenant to Exodus (1875 – 1445 BC) Genesis and Book of Job. 4. Exodus to Solomon’s 4 th year (1445 – 965 BC). Exodus to 2 Samuel; 1 Kings 1-5; Psalms; 1 Chronicles.
Chronology of Old Testament... Continues 5. 4 th year Solomon to the Fall of Judah ( BC) 1 Kings 6-22; 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles; Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habbakkuk. 6. Babylonian Exile (586 – 516 BC). Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel. 7. After Babylonian Exile to the end of O.T. 516 – 400 BC. Ezra, Nehemiah, Zechariah, Haggai, Malachi.
C. Chronology of the New Testament 1. History of the Life of Christ and the Early Church (A.D. 55 – 85) - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts. 2. Epistles for the Church (AD 46 – 85) (Romans to Jude) 3. Prophecy (A.D. 96) - Revelation
Section 5 Preparing to Study the Bible A. Six Basic Questions you should ask about every verse 1. Who? 2. What? 3. When? 4. Where? 5. Why? 6. How?
B. Two Important Personal Questions 1. How does this Help us develop a close, personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ? 2. How Then Shall we Live?
C. What if we can’t answer all of the Questions? * Scripture provides enough information to lead us through life even if all your answers are not answered. When we get there it will all be clear.