Impacting the World: From Land-grant to World-grant Jeffrey Riedinger Dean, International Studies & Programs Michigan State University
Extension in Local Context Link to research & teaching Federal-state-county cooperation Client-focused Diverse commodities Community development
Extension in Global Context International crop & commodity markets Food safety concerns Emerging infectious & zoonotic diseases Increasing competition for resources Poverty, scarce resources, & conflict China, India & other countries – new competition (e.g., oil, cement) MSU International Extension Training Progam Journal of Extension: Build inter-cultural skill sets Biofuels technology USDA Cropping here and overseas: Don Nugent Farms Michigan Extension and community development
Living in an Inter-Dependent World Biofuels strategies in Brazil Potato germplasm from China Agro-tourism in Italy Carbon sequestration in Senegal Nutraceuticals in Nigeria
Global Supply Chains Understanding consumer opportunities Going to scale - development of associations & cooperatives Understanding & responding to international (supermarket) standards Being responsive to buyers’ expectations (reliability, consistency, volume) Educating consumers
Global Food Systems South Africa: winter squash Nicaragua: plantains Rwanda: high value coffee Michigan: asparagus Michigan: goji fruit? Partnership for Food Industry Development PFID is a USAID program le by MSU to enable small farming operations to enter the global marketplace. Focus on education and capacity building among growers and buyers to increase competitiveness of small and medium scale producers in local, regional, and international markets for sale of fruits and vegetables Don Nugent – example of global farming
Global Food System Lessons Meeting international standards – improves access to local markets Simple innovations can make a difference Cooperatives where they make sense Capacity for one product transfers to others
Extending the Extension Model Few land grant universities Research - national agricultural research systems & CGIAR Teaching – K-12 & universities Extension – Ministry of Agriculture Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research Teaching domain of Ministry of Education (& Ministry of Higher Education)
New Models for Delivering Extension Workshops for global audiences: biotechnology, intellectual property rights Online instruction - global reach Information access via Internet “Wiki” world Bridging the “last kilometer” Mali – village solar-powered laptop computers Cell phones
Re-inventing the County Extension Office Establish presence in countries of strategic importance to U.S. & Michigan Focus on opportunities for impact & mutual benefits Promote public – private partnerships Engage international alumni as MSU “consuls general”
Michigan State University Extension Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (& Globally)
Michigan State University Advancing Knowledge Transforming Lives
International Extension at MSU Partnerships for food industry development Partnerships for enhancing agriculture in Rwanda through Linkages Pulses for health alliance Health benefits of crops and nutrition education Partnerships for Food Industry Development Partnerships for enhancing agriculture in Rwanda through Linkages Pulses for Health Alliance
International Extension at MSU Food security III cooperative leadership program to cut hunger and poverty Program for biosafety systems Generating Research and Extension to meet Economic and Environmental Needs (GREEN) for sustainable, profitable and competitive businesses Highlights of Ag Econ Faculty projects Food Security III Leadership Cooperative Program Program for biosafety systems Generating Research and Extension to meet Economic and Environmental Needs (Project GREEN)
Capacity Building for Community Development Leadership Entrepreneurship Planning Facilitation Land use Transportation planning
Cultural Economic Development Agro-tourism Eco-tourism Cultural-based tourism
Infrastructure development Water resources Carbon sequestration