Process Operability Class Materials Operation during Transitions Basic flowsheet Design with Operability FC 1 LC Copyright © Thomas Marlin 2013 The copyright holder provides a royalty-free license for use of this material at non-profit educational institutions
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS We will learn about operation during transitions Transitions involve planned transient behavior between different initial and final conditions. Continuous processes Startup and shutdown Regeneration Blocked operation Load following Batch Processes No steady-state operation
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Special equipment and procedures are required for starting and stopping process operations. These are when most accidents and serious hazards occur - be very thorough in planning and training Need to load material during startup and drain material for shutdown. Need to heat and/or cool to approach normal process conditions or return to ambient.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Equipment and process structure: Identify extra equipment needed for startup of the reactor. Cold product Cold feed Hot effluent
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Equipment and process structure: Identify extra equipment needed for startup of the reactor. Cold product Is the design complete? Cold feed Heating fluid Need heating when the reactor effluent is cold. Hot effluent
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Equipment: Identify extra equipment needed for startup of the distillation column reboiler. Bottom tray Thermsiphon reboiler Bottoms product
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Identify extra equipment needed for startup of the distillation column reboiler. Before reboiler is functioning, no vapor flows, liquid weeps through trays Bottom tray Thermsiphon reboiler Valve is normally closed, opened only during startup Bottoms product From: Lieberman, N.L., Process Design for Reliable Operations, Gulf Publishing, Houston, 1983
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Process flow: Occasionally, equipment must be shutdown for preventative maintenance and modifications. What is needed? Unit B Unit A
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Process flow: Occasionally, equipment must be shutdown for preventative maintenance and modifications. What is needed? Discuss advantages and disadvantages. How big is the tank? Cooling Storage Pumping Heating Unit B Unit A
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN Process flow: Occasionally, equipment must be shutdown for preventative maintenance and modifications. What is needed? Cooling and subsequent heating and cooling is inefficient. Let’s by-pass the tank when possible. The tank must have a holdup time (V/F) equal to at least the unit shutdown time. The inventory can be adjusted just before the shutdown. Cooling Storage Pumping Heating Unit B Unit A
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis SU & Shutdown OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN INDUSTRIAL PRACTICE The first step is to prepare a detailed startup (shutdown) procedure. Then, we check the availability of the appropriate equipment to perform the procedure This is very detailed work and requires considerable experience in plant operation and plant equipment (Talk with operators and shift supervisors.)
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Catalyst, adsorbents, fouled surfaces and some other equipment require periodic regeneration. This can involve different materials flowing through the process and even in opposite directions. The switching period varies from hours to months. Example of regeneration include the following. Catalyst that loses activity Adsorbent that has active sites filled Equipment that has surface coated due to coke (reactor) or polymer (e.g. reboiler) Filtration that must be backflushed
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Regeneration involves different operating conditions that can challenge equipment or be hazardous Different feeds Exothermic reactions Different operating conditions Different downstream processing Hazards, such as introducing oxygen into an environment that normally contains hydrocarbons Special transition issues can involve corrosion, contamination, hygiene, toxicology, etc.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION What is an important factor in defining the structure for continuous processes with regeneration? How can we best maintain the continuous process operation? Parallel equipment with isolation valves Single equipment with sufficient storage Or, must we shutdown the entire plant when regenerating an individual unit?
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Example of Olefins plant C5+ C2H6 C2H4 C3H6 C4H10 Ethane Propane Gas oil Feed stocks Separation system Fired heaters The operation of the heaters (reactor feed type, feed rate, temp, steam) influence the rate of coke and need for regeneration. Coke buildup: Requires periodic shutdown/decoke
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Example of Olefins plant Air and steam X Exhaust safely X Ethane C2H6 Propane C2H4 C3H6 Gas oil C5+ C4H10 Feed stocks Separation system Fired heaters What happens when one furnace temporarily stops production for decoking (with air and steam)? Which of previous strategies is employed (parallel or storage)? Might significant hazards occur during decoking?
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Tube Wall Temperature : Reactor 2 1040 1020 = decoke 1000 980 960 Temperature (C) 940 920 900 880 860 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Time slots (3 days each) Example trend for one furnace What affects the slope of temperature vs. time? What happened at days 45 and 97? How do we select the best operations?
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Example – heat exchanger is fouled and must be cleaned. Process fluids Process fluid What equipment is required to be able to take this exchanger out of service for cleaning or repair?
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Regeneration OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS REGENERATION Example – heat exchanger is fouled and must be cleaned. Process fluids Process fluid Since both streams are process fluids, by-passes on each are required. If one were a utility (e.g., water or steam), no by-pass on the utility stream would be required.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Blocked operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BLOCKED OPERATION “Blocked operation” involves short periods of continuous, steady-state operation with frequent switches. This policy is required when many products are produced using the same equipment. Usually, the material produced during the transition has lower value, or in some cases, zero value. Thus, transitions should be expedited. To satisfy customer demands, product must be stored since no one product is produced continuously at all times.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BLOCKED OPERATION- Lube Oil Manufacture Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Blocked operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BLOCKED OPERATION- Lube Oil Manufacture Only one “base stock” manufactured at a time Subsequent processing Solvent Solvent recovery and by-product processing Only one “base stock” processed at a time; switch about every two days
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Blocked operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BLOCKED OPERATION Process issues related to blocked operation. Reduce production rate and mixing during transition Recycle “mixed” material during transition or store for later re-processing Transitions from/to some operations are not possible (two phase become miscible, hazardous intermediate state, intermediate product has very low or negative value, etc.) Desire very fast transition – fast process dynamics with “strong” manipulated variables
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING Some parts of a plant produce material that is required for production elsewhere, and the other section(s) of the plant determine their needs independently. The supplier must satisfy the demands. Typical utilities are steam, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, (processed) water. Also, some process materials are manufactured for the process and processed without storage, often to reduce hazards. Often, many consumers are in simultaneous operation and have time-varying demands. The produce must “follow the load” or demand in a timely manner.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING – BOILER & STEAM SYSTEM Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING – BOILER & STEAM SYSTEM A utilities example is shown below, with the fired boilers (B1-B4) and heat integration (producers) providing steam for power (turbines T1-T5) and heating (consumers). B1 B2 B3 B4 HP 1 T2 MP producer consumer LP Cond T3 T1 T4 T5 export 2 3 4 5 8 9 7 10 6 11 12 13 14 15 Fuel gas oil Boilers High pressure Medium pressure Low pressure Liquid
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING Some issues for load following utilities Operating Window – Have sufficient capacity to satisfy demand. How do we know the demand? We could measure every demand, sum them and produce that amount of steam Bad idea: Never achieve material balance because measurement errors accumulate. We could measure steam pressure and control it by adjusting steam generation. Good idea: Simple and effective. No error accumulation.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING PC PY x We adjust the ratios to lower fuel cost; fast pressure control is not affected.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING An example is shown below, with the fired boilers (B1-B4) and heat integration (producers) providing steam for power (turbines T1-T5) and heating (consumers). B1 B2 B3 B4 HP 1 T2 MP producer consumer LP Cond T3 T1 T4 T5 export 2 3 4 5 8 9 7 10 6 11 12 13 14 15 Fuel gas oil High pressure What is the correct response when this consumer requires more steam? Medium pressure Low pressure Liquid
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING Some issues for load following utilities Reliability – Network to supply any demand from any supplier. If Boiler 1 fails, are we sure that we can increase the others sufficiently? Must have spare capacity; all boilers in operation should not be near their maximum steam productions! We cannot start a “cold” boiler in time to keep plant in operation. We may have to keep one or more boilers “warm”, even if not producing significant steam.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING Some issues for load following utilities Efficiency – Ability to use the most efficient producers as the demand changes What data do we need to optimize the boiler load? For each boiler, we need a model relating efficiency to the steam generated (load).
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Load following OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS LOAD FOLLOWING Some issues for load following utilities Transient - May require storage of material for startup How do we store steam? We don’t. We must respond rapidly!
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION Batch operation Often the most economical method for manufacturing small quantities and very high purities. Is generally too expensive for producing very large quantities of material. A batch plant usually produces numerous products Each product is manufactured in a separate “campaign” involving unique feed materials and processing conditions and shared equipment Food, pharmaceuticals, “fine chemicals”, …
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION Batch operation: All materials provided at start of the process. feed product time time Semi-Batch operation: Some materials introduced after the start of the process. feed time Reaction initiator product time time
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION Batch can have very different operating conditions. For example, it can be necessary to heat a reactor in the beginning of the batch and cool it thereafter. feed time product time Flow of heat transfer medium = heating = cooling time
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION Some plants integrate batch and continuous units. The plant must contain storage capacity to allow the continuous parts to operate without frequent shutdowns. Distillation feed time Reactor product time
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS ALL SITUATIONS CONSIDERED Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS ALL SITUATIONS CONSIDERED Industrial Practice The operating conditions change during transients. For what operation do we “size” the equipment? We must size equipment for the most demanding condition of all operations experienced by the process. Never use the average operation, especially for these extreme transient operations. It may be required to have parallel equipment with different capacities when the normal and maximum operations are very different.
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION – GASOLINE BLENDING Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS BATCH OPERATION – GASOLINE BLENDING Intermediate products from process Products to customers Reformate Regular FC additives LSR Naphtha FC AT N-Butane Final Blend FC FT FCC Gas • Premium FC Alkylate Final Blend FC Manufactured continuously One blending process Many different customers
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS ALL SITUATIONS CONSIDERED Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis Batch Operation OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS ALL SITUATIONS CONSIDERED The operating conditions change during transients. The control system must follow the desired path. Temperature time Challenges remain Determine the best (optimal) transient behavior 2. Achieve good process control over a wide range for a non-linear process
OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS Key Operability issues 1. Operating window 2. Flexibility/ controllability 3. Reliability 4. Safety & equipment protection 5. Efficiency & profitability 6. Operation during transitions 7. Dynamic Performance 8. Monitoring & diagnosis OPERATION DURING TRANSITIONS We will learn about operation during transitions Transitions involve planned transient behavior between different initial and final conditions. Continuous processes Startup and shutdown Regeneration Blocked operation Load following Batch Processes No steady-state operation