Building a Team Dr. Steve R. Parr Author of “The Coffee Shop That Changed a Church”
Ephesians 15b-16 “…Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes the growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” NKJV
I. The Leadership Priority The primary function of a leader is to develop more leaders. The primary tool of a leader is his/her influence. No influence – No leadership. The primary source for future leaders (in a church) are adult Bible Study Groups.
II. Begin With Your Commitment to Grow as a Leader? Reading Observing Experimenting Evaluating Seminars Mentoring
III. Sources for Seeking New Leaders Surveys Staff Recommendations LBS Leader Recommendations New Member’s Classes Relationships
IV. Qualities to Seek in Potential Leaders Commitment to spiritual growth. Passion for the task. Willingness to be equipped. Agreement of standards/expectations
V. Enhance Your Enlistment Multiple points of entry to service. Setting standard of expectation for LBS leaders. Open Invitation Equipping
V. Enhance Your Enlistment Enlist and organize based on purpose followed by needs. Utilize effective enlistment methods
VI. Be Strategic in Leader Enlistment
Proper Enlistment Pray Meet One on One Provide Written Description Share Length of Commitment Explain Support Systems Ask them to pray Set a time for a Decision
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