Grazing Basics Craig Saxe UW-Extension, Juneau Co. 211 Hickory Street Mauston WI (608) Central Wisconsin Grazing Meetings March 2008
We’ll be covering What is rotational grazing Why use rotational grazing Understanding plant growth Setting up a grazing system Fencing, watering and frost seeding Grazing tips
Fencing, Watering and Frost Seeding
Consider the New Fencing Technology
Be flexible with Fencing
Useful Life of Fencing Materials MaterialLife (yrs.)Maintenance Wood15-20+High Post and Rail15-20Low – Medium V-Mesh wire20-30Low Barbless wire15Medium High tensile wire20-30Low Plastic fence12Low PVC20-30Low
Fencing One of the largest expenses in Grazing Many different options but some rules apply –Have secure perimeter fence –Use temporary or portable fence in cells –Use the lay of the land to your advantage –Be flexible in cell sizing
Cost of Fencing Cost of quarter mile of fence –48” woven wire, one barb $1.07/foot –5 barbed wire fence $0.83/foot –High tensile 8 strand 12.5 gauge---$0.76/foot –High tensile 5 strand electric(12.5)$0.57/foot –Polywire fence(interior use only)--$0.03/foot Iowa State University
Shape effect on Fencing Requirements 744 feet 836 feet 1007 feet 951 feet Length=2 X Width 888 feet Length=4 X width 1,040 feet
FROST SEEDING Adding new seed to a pasture by broadcasting on frozen ground in early spring, letting frost & snow incorporate the seed.
Frost Seeding in Snow This practice is promoted because it’s easy to determine seed placement. Be cautioned that this practice could also increase the risk of seed movement as the snow melts.
Snow Tracks Help
Seed Melts into Snow
FROST SEEDING Improves Pasture Quality & Yield Lower Cost Than Annual Nitrogen Application ($9 vs. $42) Works Best On Loams & Clay Soils or Fields With Natural Moisture Clovers Recommended, Birdsfoot Trefoil & Certain Grasses Can Work
FROST SEEDING Use Improved Varieties i.e. Clovers Like Arlington, Cimmeron, or Marathon and High Yielding Trefoils Like Norcen Graze Tight In The Fall Broadcast Inoculated Seed Approx. 45 Days Before Grass Growth Begins
FROST SEEDING Broadcast # of Red Clover; # of Trefoil; or # of White Clover /acre Don’t Mix Clover & Trefoil For Insurance Apply 40# / Acre of Actual Phosphorus (90# / Acre of ) Lime or Potassium May Be Needed - Soil Test To Determine - Don’t Apply Nitrogen!
Grazing Tips