Berlin Wall and Berlin Airlift Jamie Marrs Cara Glatfelter Paige Riddle
Berlin Wall Major Dates: June 24,1948 - Stalin imposed a land blockade of Berlin to separate the communists from the democrats. Russia didn't want its section getting any ideas about running away. The first fence was made of barbed wire, which was ineffective due to people’s large desire to escape.
Berlin Wall When was it built? August 13, 1961 - Germans began a hasty, desperate, yet effective building of the actual stone wall to keep Easterners east and Westerners west. It was highly effective and there were watchtowers and guards stationed at all of the places where escape would be easiest. 1965 - the actual wall was built 100 yards inward, parallel. The strip between the walls was dug down and coated with gravel. It was called the Death Strip because many people tried to jump to freedom, but fell to their deaths in the pit.
Berlin Wall Who built it? The Russians that controlled the area decided to block off Western Berlin from the communist Eastern. The Berliners did not agree with this, as many families were split apart, and people were tortured for trying to escape through the border.
Berlin Wall End Result: November 9, 1989 – Minister of Propaganda declares that private trips abroad could be made from eastern to western Germany. In the following days thousands of families flocked the watch towers; where the control guards didn't know how to handle the people, and what the restrictions on crossing were. The massive flood of citizens was too much to contain, and they broke through, forever ending the division of the city. October 3, 1990 -The political conclusion of the wall. The wall had fallen, and the reuniting of Germany began.
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Berlin Airlift / Blockade Major Dates: June 21, 1948 - Air Force Lieutenant General Curtis LeMay gave a mandate to supply West Berlin on June 26 June 24, 1948 - the Russians instituted a land blockade of the American, British, and French sectors. They only had enough coal for 45 days and food for 36 days. Without goods brought to them, they would soon run out. Few believed the needs of 2,250,000 people could be met by air transport and the outlook for the success of this effort was bleak.
Berlin Airlift / Blockade What was used and how much of it? First, C-47's with a two and one-half (2 ½) ton capacity were used Later, C-54's that carried ten (10) tons were used 4,500 tons a day of coal, food, and other supplies was the minimum needed to keep the city going Allied planes landed 12,941 tons in one twenty-four (24) hour period, with planes landing every 61.8 seconds 1,592,787 tons of supplies total was brought into Berlin; this is equal to the weight of 80,000 whales!
Berlin Airlift/ Blockade Who was involved? Russia refused to allow food in to the Western Zones of Germany; they used hostility and repression to gain control of the Berlin police Western Zone - the Western zone was dependent on supplies shipped in by rail and truck America - The Berlin Airlift was called "Operation Vittles" by the Americans, and the Americans airlifted goods in
Berlin Airlift / Blockade End Result: The West Berliners continually fought off Soviet attempts to take them over because it was obvious the airlift could go on forever May 1949, the airlift had become so damaging to the Communists that Stalin was forced to back down May 12, 1949 - the Soviets called off the blockade but American and British flights still supplied the city until September 1949 in case Russia changed their minds
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Works Cited "Berlin Airlift." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: War. Ed. Anne Marie Hacht and Dwayne D. Hayes. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 25 May 2010. "Berlin Airlift." United States History. Web. 24 May 2010. "Berlin Wall." Berlin Life | Travel Guide | Berlin Apartments Hotels Restaurants Bars Pubs and Shops Berlin | Germany. Web. 25 May 2010. <>. "The Berlin Airlift and NATO []." Web. 24 May 2010. "The Berlin Airlift, June 24, 1948-May 12, 1949." DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Web. 25 May 2010.