Holocaust By: Heather Martin 5 th Period Joyce Slideshow Presentation I
Table of Contents Title PageI Table of ContentsII Introduction1 Hitler2 Nuremberg Laws3 Ghettos4 Kristallnacht5 Conditions of Concentration Camps6 Conclusion7 Bibliography8 II
Introduction 1 During World War II there were many deaths that were caused by one man. That mans name was Adolf Hitler. He discriminated against Jews, Gypsies, and anyone that he thought that was not apart of his vision. Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws, made the people he hated live in ghettos and poor conditioned concentration camps, and he ordered the night of Kristallnacht. Hitler was a very horrible, deceiving man. Adolf Hitler ostracized an entire race of people by deliberately discriminating against everyone that was not of the Aryan race.
Hitler Adolf Hitler was born in Austrian empire in He is not an actual German citizen. He moved to Munich in In 1919 Hitler became the fuhrer/president of Germany. In 1923 Hitler’s Nazi’s gained enormous strength. The war came to a closing when Adolf Hitler killed himself because he knew that he was losing the war and his dream was lost. 2
Nuremberg Laws The Nuremberg Laws were passed on September 15, The Nuremberg Laws were to punish the Jews because they were not of Aryan Race. Some of the conditions of the Nuremberg Laws were that all Jews must wear a six-point star (Star of David) on the outside of their clothes. Jews were only allowed to shop between 3 and 5 in the afternoon in Jewish owned shops. Jews were also not allowed to be outside their homes after 8 at night. 3
Ghettos Ghettos were marked-off sections of towns and cities that were also called “Jewish residential quarters.” In October and November of 1941 the first group of Austrian and German Jews were transported to the ghettos by the Nazi’s. Nazi’s sometimes evicted non- Jewish people from the cities that were marked off to make more room for the imported Jews. Ghettos were sometimes enclosed by barbed-wire fences or walls that were also guarded by local and German police including SS members. 4
Kristallnacht Kristallnacht was also called the “Night of the Broken Glass.” On the nights of November 9-10, 1938, the Nazi’s were ordered to destroy all Jewish businesses and synagogues. 1,000 synagogues were burned and 7,000 businesses were trashed and looted. Police and fire brigades stood by as others robbed Jewish schools, cemeteries, and homes were. 5
Conditions of Concentration Camps In the Concentration Camps there wasn’t really enough room for all of the occupants to live/sleep. The “beds” in the camps were brick barracks and the occupants literally were sleeping side by side like books on a bookshelf. In the Concentration Camps the occupants were only fed twice a day and all they were given was a piece of bread and a cup of water. The Jews had their heads shaved and they wore very thin clothing. 6
Conclusion In the end, there were many lives lost. Most of them were uncalled for, but at the time the rest of the world was unaware of Hitler’s actual hatred towards people that he thought was not of the Aryan race. In a way not only did the unconquered people fight against the Nazi’s, but the Jews and Dutch fought back by keeping their hope alive and by easily hurting the Nazi’s by trickery. Although many lives were lost, most that were put in the Concentration Camps or Ghettos never lost hope that peace would once again be the actual ruler of tomorrow. 7
Bibliography 8 Feldom, George Understanding the Holocaust “The Rise of the Nazi Party” Detroit: UXL, an Imprint of Gale, 1998 “The Nuremberg Laws on Citizen and Race:September 15, 1935.” 2/28/07. “Ghettos in Poland.” United States Holocaust Museum. 2/28/07.