*Created by Kay Wagner, Ph.D., Edina Public Schools, Edina, Minnesota Drawn images may be used freely, fair use laws apply to all other images
In this lesson you will learn about the Elements of Visual Art Line Shape/Form Space Texture Value Color
3 - 9”X12” sheets of white paper Get the following supplies : Markers or colored pencils
Fold each sheet in half, the short way
Open the folded sheets
The Design Elements of Visual Art are *Line *Texture *Shape/Form * Space *Color *Value
With pencil, print your name, date and section on the back of each sheet Jane Smith 5Z
Print the name of one element in each section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color Turn each sheet over
Line A mark made by a pointed tool. Can be real or implied. Can be long or short. Can be solid or broken. Can be thicker or thinner. Can be straight, wavy, zig- zag, or bumpy.
Abstract Melody by Gregorz ChojnackiGregorz Chojnacki Look for examples of Line
A design with lines In the Line section of your white paper, show what you know about line Create a design that: Is interesting. Fills the section Uses line in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Line section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color a design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses line in at least 4 different ways.
Texture Appearance of roughness or smoothness of an object. Can be created using lines, shapes, and values.
Three Musicians by Pablo PicassoPablo Picasso Look for examples of texture
Young Hare by Albrecht DurerAlbrecht Durer Little Owl by Albrecht DurerAlbrecht Durer Look for examples of texture
A design using texture In the Texture section of your white paper show what you know about texture Create a design that is: Interesting Fills the section Uses texture in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Texture section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color A design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses texture in at least 4 different ways.
Shape Can be enclosed by a line Implied by an area of color Can be geometric or free-form
The Codomas by Henri MatisseHenri Matisse Look for examples of shape
A design with shapes In the Shape section of your white paper show what you know about shape Create a design that is: Interesting. Fills the section. Uses shape in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Shape section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color A design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses Shape in at least 4 different ways.
Value Lightness or darkness Lights, called tints or pastels, made by adding white Darks, called shades, made by adding black
Blue Light by Paul KleePaul Klee Values?
A design with value This design shows different values of green Tint of Green Shade of Green Value refers to how light or dark something is, light colors are called tints and dark colors are called shades In the Value section of your white paper show what you know about value Create a design that is: Interesting. Fills the section Uses value in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Value section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color A design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses Value in at least 4 different ways. Microsoft Click
Space Distance between lines and shapes, or the illusion of depth Shown by: –Converging lines –Overlapping shapes –Changing brightness of color –Position on the page –Decreasing size (foreshortening) –Use of shading and shadows Microsoft Click
Schweres Rot by Wassily KandinskyWassily Kandinsky Converging lines Position on the page Overlapping shapes Decreasing size
A design that shows space In the Space section of your white paper show what you know about space: Create a design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses space in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Space section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color A design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses Space in at least 4 different ways. Microsoft Click
Color Has 3 properties: 1. Hue - the name of the color Red, Yellow, & Blue are Primary Hues Orange, Violet, Green are Secondary Hues Microsoft Click
Color Microsoft Click Primary Colors Secondary Colors
Color Has 3 properties: 1. Hue - the name of the color –Complementary refers to opposite hues, i.e. red and green –Analogous refers to related hues, i.e. red and red-orange –Monochromatic refers to shades of the same hue, i.e. bright green and light green Microsoft Click
Color Microsoft Click Opposite colors Opposite colors are called complementary Opposite colors
Microsoft Click Color Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Analogous colors Colors that are next to each other are related Related colors are called analogous
Color Has 3 properties: 2. Value - lightness (color + white) darkness (color + black) 3. Intensity - brightness (pure color) dullness (color + it’s opposite) Microsoft Click
Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow by Piet MondrianPiet Mondrian Primary Colors
Green, Blue, Green by Mark RothkoMark Rothko Analogous Colors
Hyena Stomp by Frank StellaFrank Stella Complementary Colors Blue & Orange Violet & Yellow Red & Green
Waterlilies by Claude MonetClaude Monet Monochromatic
A design with color In the Color section of your white paper show what you know about color: Create a design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses color in at least 4 different ways.
Create a design in the Color section Line Shape Space Texture Value Color A design that is interesting. Fills the section Uses Color in at least 4 different ways. Microsoft Click
Look at your line section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Do you have at least 4 different kinds of line? Line Shape Space Texture Value Color You can add more lines to improve your Line design. straightcurvedzig-zag brokenthickthinlong short Microsoft Click
Look at your Shape section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Do you have at least 4 different kinds of shapes? Shape Space Texture Value Color You can add more shapes to improve your shape design. CircleRectangleTriangleSuggestedGeometricFreeformFilledOutlinedLargeSmall Line Microsoft Click
Look at your Space section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Have you shown space in at least 4 different ways? Space Texture Value Color What can you do to improve your Space design? Horizon LineHigh and low shapesBig & small shapesOver-lapping shapesConverging linesLightness or darkness Line Shape Microsoft Click
Look at your Texture section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Have you shown texture in at least 4 different ways? Value Color You can add more textures to improve your Texture design. Texture Repeat short lines Repeat small shapes Smooth or shinyWrinkledWetBrick Line ShapeSpace Microsoft Click
Look at your Value section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Have you shown value in at least 4 different ways? Color What can you do to improve your Value design? Texture Value in Line Value in shapesShadingGradationValue in TextureColor Value Line ShapeSpace Microsoft Click
Look at your Color section: Is the design interesting? Have you filled the section? Have you used color in at least 4 different ways? What can you do to improve your Color design? Texture Shades of one colorPrimary colorsSecondary ColorsComplementary Colors or “opposite” Analogous Colors or “next to” Mixing Colors Value Line ShapeSpace Color Microsoft Click
Texture Line Value Shape Space Color Texture Line Hand in your stack of designs. Space Color Microsoft Click Stack up the three sheets.
Do your designs show what you have learned about using the Elements of Visual Arts? Line Shape Space Texture Value Color